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Reza Shirsavar


A brief about my works

Spreading a Droplet on a Soap Film

Investigation on suspended soap film shows that a droplet with surface tension less than soap film spreads and produces a new suspended film (please see this video of this phenomenon produced in 2002 at ZNU).

 Electro/Magnetically Rotation

In 2005, we observed the rotation of a soap film under applying electric fields at Medical Physics Laboratory (see here). we called this novel phenomenon "Water film motor" . After reporting this phenomenon as "Liquid Film Motor" , bloggers of Arxiv  highlighted this report as The puzzling discovery of a motor made from liquid film. After that Scientific American highlighted the work as Liquid motor revs up. Then we have tried to understand this phenomenon better, and we have worked with different liquids (more than 40 liquids) and MBBA and 5CB liquid crystal films. Our observation show that polar liquid and liquid crystal film rotate like soap films (See a video of the rotation of MBBA  here). After 2011,  we have done different experiments on the rotational flow in fluids with using Magnetic fields (see here) and Electric current, then we have began to find a theoritical model that explain Electro/Magnetically ratation.

 Flow of soap film inside a non-uniform AC electric field

In addation of DC electric fields, we can observe interesting phenomenon with using just a nonuniform alternating electric fields. You can see flow of a soap film when we apply a nonuniform AC electric field (the frequency of the field is 20kHz). You can see some videos of this phenomenon here and here. 

FerroFluid Suspended Film

Because of surface energy, fluids like to have minimum surface. In 2011 we observed that Ferrofluid films behavior is different. You can see some repels on a suspended ferrofluid film that are produced spontaneously (see video).












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