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Jaber Aazami

Jaber Aazami
Associate professor

j.aazami@znu.ac.ir      j.aazami@yahoo.com

      +98 (0) 24 3305 4486
Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Zanjan, University Blvd., 45371-38791, Zanjan, I. R. Iran


Jaber Aazami (Ph.D.)
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Zanjan, 45371-38791, Zanjan, I. R.
Mobile: +98 913 372 4695
Emails: j.aazami@znu.ac.ir and jaberaazami@gmail.com
Educational Background
2011–2015: Ph.D. Environmental Pollution
Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources, Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran. GPA 17.56 / 20. (Excellent)
2014-2015: Pre-doctoral Visiting (The Netherlands)
A guest researcher in Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management Group, Wageningen University, the Netherlands, from April 20 to September 10, 2014" (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Paul J. van den Brink)
2009–2011: M.Sc. Environmental Engineering
Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources, Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran. GPA 18.56 / 20
2004–2008: B.Sc. Environmental Sciences
Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Marine Natural Resources, Khorramshahr University of Marine Science and Technology (KMSU), Khuzestan, Iran. GPA 17.19 / 20.
Research Interests
Aquatic Ecology, Wetland, Ecotoxicology, Microplastics.
Taught Courses
1. Environmental Biology, Master Students, University of Zanjan, 2016-cont,
2. Aquatic Ecology, Master Students, University of Zanjan, 2016-cont,
3. Ecotoxicology, Master Students, University of Zanjan, 2016-cont,
4. Water Quality, Master Students, University of Zanjan, 2019-2021,
5. Aquatic Restoration Plan, Master Students, University of Zanjan, 2019-2021,
6. Wetland Ecology, Bachelor Students, University of Zanjan, 2021-cont,
7. Freshwater Biodiversity, Bachelor Students, University of Zanjan, 2012-cont,
8. Biological Assessment of Environmental Pollution, Bachelor Students, University of Zanjan, 2012-cont,
9. Principles of Ecological Management, Bachelor Students, University of Allameh Mohaddes Noori, 2012-2013.

50- Zhaleh Amini, Masoud Hatami-Manesh, Jaber Aazami, Mozhgan Savabieasfahani; Bioavailability of heavy metals in surface sediment of Anzali International Wetland, Iran. Regional Studies in Marine Science, Under review. (2023).
49- Jaber Aazami, Alireza Motevalli, Mozhgan Savabieasfahani, Evaluation of three environmental flow techniques in Shoor wetland of Golpayegan, Iran. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, (2022): 1-14.
48- Mina Islami, Mohammad Abadi, Abbasali Zamani, Jaber Aazami, Hamid Badiee; Grain-Size Analysis and Contamination Assessment of Heavy Metals in Sediments from Ghezel Ozan River in Zanjan Province, Iran. Hum. Environ. Health Promot 2022; 8 (3) :161-171.
47- Joorabian Shooshtari, S., Jaber Aazami, Foroughi, M. Monitoring of Land Cover Change using Land Change Modeling in Golpayegan Shoor Wetland (1972-2018), Journal of Environmental Science Studies, 2022. (in Persian)
46- Parvaneh Safarialamouti, Esmail Karamidehkordi, Jaber Aazami, Analyzing Biodiversity Management Challenges in the Sorkhabad Protected Area of the Zanjan Province, using a Grounded Theory study. Journal of Natural Environmental Hazards, 2022. (in Persian)
45- Aazami, Jaber., Kiani-Mehr, N., Taran, S., Shahgholi, M. 'Review of Biology, Spread, and Ecology of Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus)', Human & Environment, 2022. (in Persian)
44- M. Parto, Jaber Aazami, Z. Shamsi, A. Zamani & M. Savabieasfahani. Determination of bisphenol-A in plastic bottled water in markets of Zanjan, Iran. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2021)
43- Masoumeh Foroughi, Jaber Aazami & Younes Khosravi, predicting future changes in temperature and precipitation using hadcm2 model (case study): Golpayegan Shoor Wetland, Iran; Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2021)
42- Jaber Aazami, Orang Babaie, Abbasali Zamani, Salar Yazdani, Assessing of oil pollution in suburbs of Shahid Tondgoian Oil Storage in Zanjan Province (July 2020), Journal of Environmental Health Engineering (2021)
41- Hosseini Razieh, Sayadi Mohammad Hossein, Aazami Jaber, Savabieasfehani Mozhgan. Accumulation and Distribution of Microplastics in the Water and Sediments in the Chabahar Bay, Oman Sea, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020.
40- Jaber Aazami, Shirin Shahbaz- Gahroee, Ali Aghamohammadi, Kizar Ahmed Sumon, Andreu Rico. Length-Mass Relationships for Macroinvertebrates in the Choghakhor International Wetland, Iran, Biologia, 2020.
39- Rasool Zamani-Ahmadmahmoodi, Nasrin Gharahi, José Antonio RodríguezMartin, Jaber Aazami, Ali Jafari, Mohsen Bahmani, Raimundo Jiménez-Ballesta. Cd and Pb bioaccumulation in Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) in relation to the role of metal contents in wetland sediments, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.1-11. 2020.
38- Aazami Jaber, Maghsodloo Hamidreza, Seyed Sahab Mira, Hussein Valikhani, Evaluation of Aquatic Ecosystems' Health Using Insects' Biodiversity (Case Study: Mohammad-Abad River, Gorgan). International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 2020
37- Hussein Valikhani, Jaber Aazami, Asghar Abdoli, Farshad Nejat, Amir Shahinpur, Kamal Khezri. Length-weight relationship and condition factor of fish in shallow water habitats, Khuzestan Province, Iran. Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity, 2020.
36- Habib Moradpour, Jaber Aazami, Abbasali Zamani, Ahmad Reza-Issaee. The Use of Macroinvertebrate Biotic Indices for Water Ecological Quality (Case Study: Bakhtegan Basin). Journal of Environmental Sciences and Technology 2020.
35- Jaber Aazami, Naser Kiani-Mehr, Saeid Taran, Maryam Shahgholi, Review of Biology, Spread, and Ecology of Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus); J Human & Environment 129-142. 2020
34- Aazami Jaber, KianiMeh Naser, Zamani Abasali, Ecological Water Health Assessment Using Macroinvertebrate Community (Case Study: Ghezel-Ozan River in Zanjan Province), Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2019, 191:689.
33- Parisa Taban, Asghar Abdoli, Nemat Khorasani, Jaber Aazami. Assessment the effects of physiochemical parameters on water ecological quality using indices based on macroinvertebrates communities in the Karaj and Jajrood rivers. Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 2019.
32- Kamal Khezri, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh Kiabi, Hussein Valikhani, Jaber Aazami. Ecological integrity assessment of the Jajrood River using fish indices. Environmental Sciences 2019. (in Persian)
31- Jaber Aazami, Naser KianiMehr, Abasali Zamani, Zahra Abdolahi, Mohammad Zarein, Naser Jafari. Water Quality Assessment of Ghezelozan River in Zanjan Province Using NSFWQI, IRWQI and Liou. Journal of Environmental Health Engineering. 2019. (in Persian)
30- Aazami Jaber, Habib Moradpour, Abbasali Zamani. Ecological Quality Assessment of Kor River in Fars Province Using Macroinvertebrates Indices, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2018.
29- Mohammad Sadegh Alavi‐Yeganeh, Somayeh Razavi, Aazami Jaber, Mohammad Nemati Varnosfaderany, & Morteza Kamali. Length‐weight and length–length relationships of three algae‐scraping cyprinid species from Iran. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 34(5). 2018
28- Aazami Jaber, & Ramazanali Nafar. Contrasting changes in the abundance and diversity of Northern Iranian bird's assemblages from 2011 to 2015. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity. 334-339. 2018
27- Ms Alavi‐Yeganeh, Aazami Jaber, M Nemati Varnosfaderany, & N Nozarpour. Length‐weight and length‐length relationships of Oxynoemacheilus frenatus (Heckel, 1843) and Petroleuciscus esfahani Coad, Iran. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 34(3): 768-770. 2018
26- Aazami Jaber, Parisa Taban. Monitoring of Heavy Metals in Water and Phragmites australis of Aras River along the Iranian-Armenian Border. Iranian Journal of Toxicology, 2018
25 - Aazami Jaber, & Naser Kianimehr. Survey of heavy metals in internal tissues of Great cormorant collected from southern wetlands of Caspian Sea, Iran. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 190(1): 52. 2018
24- Parisa Taban, Asghar Abdoli, Nemat Khorasani, Jaber Aazami. Biodiversity Study and the Effect of Some Environmental Factors on Distribution of Macrobenthos in Jajrood and Karaj Rivers. Journal of Animal Environment 2018.
23- Khosravi Younes, Aazami Jaber, Rajaei Masih; Motavali Alireza: Investigating the Trends and Fluctuations of Precipitation in the Golpayegan Saline Wetland. Journal of Environmental Science Studies. 3:851-861; 2018. (in Persian)
22- Jaber Aazami, Abasali Zamani, Younes Khosravi. Environmental risk assessment of anodes in cathodic protection wells of gas transmission lines Zanjan province. Oil and Gas Explanation and Production. 2018. (in Persian)
21- Aazami Jaber, Nader Bahramifar, Relationship among Cyanide Level with Altitude, Depth and Distance of Mooteh Gold Mine in Soil and Groundwater of Mooteh Wildlife Refuge, Esfahan. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 20(1): 81-91. 2018 (in Persian)
20- Aazami Jaber. Macroinvertebrate biotic indices for ecological health assessment of aquatic ecosystems, Iranian Journal Management System. 2018. (in Persian)
19- Aazami Jaber, Narges Mehdi-Rezai, Biotic condition and different viewpoints of farming of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Iran. Iranian Journal Management. 2018 (in Persian)
18- Aazami Jaber, Pourhashemzehi Somayeh. The Effect of Arson in Agriculture on the Environment (Case study: Esfahan Province), J Human & Environment. 2018 (in Persian)
17- Aazami Jaber. Long-Term (1969-2013) Changes of Water Parameters in Neka and Tajan Rivers, Mazandaran, Iran. Journal of Human Environment and Health Promotion, 2(2): 69-78. 2017
16- Aazami Jaber, Habib Moradpour, A review on Biotic Indices in Polluted Environment with Heavy Metals. Journal of Human and Environment. 2017 (in Persian)
15- Aazami Jaber, Ghasemi Saeed, Rasool Zamani. Investigation of ecological structure (abundance, evenness, dominance, similarity and diversity) of golestan province birds in a period of five years (2011-16). Experimental Animal Biology, 6(21): 123-137. 2017 (in Persian)
14- Aazami Jaber. A review of the negative effects of engineered nanomaterials on the environment. Nano Letters; 2:10-4. 2016 (in Persian)
13- Aazami Jaber, Abbas Esmaili, Asghar Abdoli, Paul Brink. Monitoring and assessment of water health quality in the Tajan River, Iran using physicochemical, fish and macroinvertebrates indices. Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, 13(1): 29. 2015
12- Aazami Jaber, Sari Abbas Esmaili, Abdoli Asghar, Sohrabi Hormoz, Brink Paul J. Assessment of ecological quality of the Tajan River in Iran using a multimetric macroinvertebrate index and species traits. Environmental management; 56:260-269. 2015.
11- Aazami Jaber, Esmaili-Sari Abbas, Abdoli Asghar, Sohrabi Hormoz, Van Den Brink Paul J. Length-weight relationships of 14 fish species from Tajan River, Southern Caspian Sea basin, Iran. Iranian Journal of Ichthyology; 2:299-301. 2015
10 - Aazami Jaber, Esmaili-Sari Abbas, Bahramifar Nader, Savabieasfahani Mozhgan. Total and organic mercury in liver, kidney and muscle of waterbirds from wetlands of the Caspian Sea, Iran. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology; 89:96-101. 2012
9- Aazami Jaber, Esmaili Sari Abbas, Bahramifar Nader, Ghasempouri Mahmod. The ratio of organic mercury to total mercury in some organs of great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) caught from Gomishan and Anzali International Wetlands. Arak Medical University Journal; 14:1-9. 2012
8- Aazami Jaber. Environmental Values of Coot, Mallard, and Great cormorant with emphasis on Economic value in wetlands of the north of Iran, J Economics of Natural Resources. Economics of Natural Resources.;1(1):85-94. 2012 (in Persian)
7 - Aazami Jaber, Esmaili-Sari Abbas, Ghasempouri Seyed Mahmoud, Savabieasfahani Mozhgan. Mercury in liver, kidney, feather and muscle of seabirds from major Wetlands of the Caspian. Sea, Iran. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology; 86:657-61. 2011
6- Aazami Jaber, Esmaili-Sari Abbas, Bahramifar Nader, Ghasempouri Seyed Mahmoud, Kazemifar Amir Mohammad. A modified method for the determination of organic mercury in biota by advanced mercury analyzer. Iranian Journal of Toxicology; 4:357-61. 2011
5- Nozari Mahboubeh, Esmaili-Sari Abbas, Riyahi-Bakhtiyari Alireza, Aazami Jaber. Mercury Concentration in Muscle and Liver of Pike (Esox lucius) Collected from Anzali International Wetland, Iran. Iranian Journal of Toxicology; 5:516-20. 2011.
4- Aazami Jaber, Esmaili-Sari Abbas, Ghasempouri Seyed Mahmoud, Bahramifar Nader. Examination of Toxic Metals in Coot and Cormorant Collected in Anzali and Gomishan Wetlands, Iran. Iranian Journal of Toxicology; 4:295-301. 2010 (in Persian)
3- Aazami Jaber, Abbas Esmaili Sari, Nader Bahramifar, Seyed Mahmoud Ghasempouri, Mohsen Jafarinezhad, Accumulation of Toxic Mercury Compounds in Different Tissues of Coot (Fulica atra) the Most Important Aquatic Birds of Iran. Journal of Biosafety; 2:23-36. 2010 (in Persian)
2- Aazami Jaber, Abbas Esmaili Sari, Nader Bahramifar, Yousef Majidi, The impact of Mercury on water birds, Journal of Biosafety, 2009. (in Persian)
1- Aazami Jaber. Ecotoxicology and its application in Iranian Aquatic Ecosystems. Internal Journal of Tarbiat Modares University, 2009. (in Persian).
Attended Conference (>20)
1- Jaber Aazami, Mehdi Vafakhah, Morteza Mohammadi. Investigating key habitats in Alagol, Almagol and Ajigol wetlands in Golestan province to determine the ecological water requirement. The second national conference on new technology in the environment and sustainable development, 2022. University of Zanjan, Iran. http://env.znu.ac.ir/
2- Barzegar Mina, Zamani Abasali, Aazami Jaber. Identification and assessment of environmental risks in the workshops of Roozbeh Charity in Zanjan. https://agriconf.sjau.ac.ir/ 2021
3- Asadi Roghaieh, Aazami Jaber et al. Evaluation of the trend of changes in water quality parameters in Abhar plain, Zanjan province. https://conf.birjand.ac.ir/1ncntesd/default.aspx 2021
4- Aazami Jaber, Joorabian Sharif. A review of the relationship between environmental trace elements and soil parameters. http://www.ecrws.ir/fa/ 2021
5- Aazami Jaber. Use of aquatic habitat suitability models for determine of Environmental requirements in rivers. http://csesd2019.guilan.ac.ir/Home 2019
6- Latife Khakpour, Abbasali Zamani, Jaber Aazami. Investigating the Optimal Use of Wastewater Treatment Plant in Zanjan, http://9chemenv.araku.ac.ir/ 2019
7- Behnaz Pardakhti, Jaber Aazami. A review of plastic use in agriculture on the environment. The international of Environmental Health, 2018.
8- Mahsa Parto, Abasali Zamani, Jaber Aazami Bisphenol A determination of drinking bottled water in Zanjan city using High Performance Liquid Chromatography-UV Detector, 2018.
9- Jaber Aazami, Naser KianiMehr. A checklist of Macroinvertebrate in Ghezelozan River located in Zanjan Province. Fourth International Conference on Environmental Planning and Management: University of Tehran; 2017.
10- Aazami Jaber, Majidi, Kiani Mehr. Importance of Mangrove Ecosystems in Protecting Persian Gulf Residents and Migrants. Fourth International Conference on Environmental Planning and Management: University of Tehran; 2017.
11- Shahbaz Shirin, Aazami Jaber, Zamani A, Ahmad Mohammadi. A Brief Introduction of Biomass Evaluation Method Using Macrobenthic Length-Mass Relationships. Fourth International Conference on Environmental Planning and Management: University of Tehran; 2017.
12- Aazami Jaber, Magdalen H, Zarein M. Effects of Fish Oil Recovery Atmosphere on the Parameters of Mohammad Abad Katol Golestan River. The 2nd International Congress on Land, Space and Clean Energy with the Focus of Natural Resources Management, Agriculture and Sustainable Development; 2016.
13- Aazami Jaber, Introducing Fish Indices for Assessing the Ecological Health of the Rivers. National Aquaculture Conference and Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystem: Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University; 2016.
14- Aazami Jaber, Esmaeili Sari, Ghasempouri S, Ebrahimi M. Estimating the economic value of birds in northern Iran wetlands. Second Conference on Environmental Planning and Management: Tehran University; 2011.
Granted Projects
1) Aazami Jaber: Determining Guidelines for Community-Oriented Ecotourism in Iranian Wetlands. Founder: Iranian Environmental Protected Agency. 2022
2) Aazami Jaber: Preparation of Service Standards for Design of Signages in Iranian Aquatic Ecosystems-Wetlands, Iranian Environmental Protected Agency. 2022
3) Aazami Jaber: Compilation of Ecotoxicology Guidelines for Iranian Wetlands. Iranian Environmental Protected Agency. 2021-2022
4) Vafakhah Mehdi, Aazami Jaber: Determination of Water Requirements for the Restoration and Protection of Iran's wetlands (2022)
5) Aazami Jaber et al. (>10 researchers): National Project "Development of Iran's aquatic ecosystem protection and rehabilitation plans", Supported by Iranian Environmental Protected Agency, 2018-2020.
6) Aazami Jaber, Orang Babaie. Ecological Assessing of Oil Pollution in Suburbs of Shahid Tondgoian Oil Storage in Zanjan Province, Supported by Minister of Energy, Iran, 2019.
7) Aazami Jaber, Abbasali Zamani, Azadeh Tavakoli, Younes Khosravi. 2019-2020. Management of Pollutants in Basic Resources (Water, Soil, Air) of Zanjan Province, supported by Zanjan Planning and Budget Organization, Zanjan, Iran.
8) Aazami Jaber and Abbasali Zamani; Ecological Health Assessment of aquaculture's Activities on Mahneshan River. 2017-2018. (12 months). Supported by the Department of Environment (Zanjan Province).
9) Aazami Jaber, Akbar Hasani, and Younes Khosravi: Environmental Flow Assessment for Aquatic Conservation of the Golpayegan Wetland (Ecological Approach). Supported by Iranian Environmental Protected Agency, 2018.
10) Abbas Esmaili Sari, Aazami Jaber, (2017-2018). Determination of required flow for the ecological restoration and preservation of the Kohrang River. Supported by Iranian Water and Power Resources Development Company, Minister of Energy, Iran.
11) Aazami Jaber, Abbasali Zamani (2016) -(10 months). Ecological risk assessment of anodes in catholic water wells. Supported by the National Iranian Gas Company.
12) Feasibility of Fish and Macroinvertebrate Indices in Ecological Integrity Assessment of Tajan River and Relation to Habitat Parameters. (Supervisors: Prof Abbas EsmailiSari & Prof Asghar Abdoli and Advisor: Prof. Dr. Paul J. van den Brink) Doctoral Dissertation. 2011- 2015.
13) Total and Organic Mercury Assessment in Kidney, Liver, and Muscle of Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo), Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), and Coot (Fulica atra) in the Northern Wetlands of Iran. (Supervisors: Prof Abbas Esmaili-Sari & Dr. Nader Bahramifar). Modified a new method for the determination of organic mercury in biota by Advanced Mercury Analyzer (AMA 254) for the first time in Iran.2010-2011.
14) Biological Diversity Assessment in Kolah Ghazi National Park, Iran. 2007.
Honors and Awards
2020: Associate Professor in Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Zanjan, Iran.
2020: Ecological Wetland National Hero, Iranian Environmental Protected Agency (Department of Iran-doe), Tehran, Iran.
2019: Elite Researcher Ecologist, Department of Environment, Faculty of Sciences, University of Zanjan, Iran.
2015: Assistant Professor in Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Zanjan, Iran.
2014: Winner of scientific award of National Elite Foundation, Vice-President for Science and Technology, Iran
2014: Elite researcher at Iranian Water Resources Management Co, Minister of Energy, Tehran, Iran.
2013: Winner of scientific award of National Elite Foundation, Vice-President for Science and Technology, Iran
2011: Talented student of M.Sc. Brilliant Talent Office, Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran.
2009: International Computer Driving License (Grade of ICDL: 90/100), Technical & Vocational Training Organization, Iran.
Professional Career
1- Editor of chief, The second national conference of new technologies in the environment and sustainable development, 2022, University of Zanjan, Iran. http://env.znu.ac.ir/Home
2- Head of Group, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Zanjan, Iran (2020- 2022.)
3- Scientific Adviser, Bureau of Wetlands Protection and Rehabilitation, Department of Environment (DoE), (2019-2020)
4- Keynote speaker of wetland ecology, Directors of wetland protection departments, Iranian Environmental Protection Agency, Oromie, 2022,
5- Panel career, Water challenge in Iraq and estimating its reduction effects on Iranian aquatic ecosystems, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran 2021
6- Panel career, Principle of determining water requirement in aquatic ecosystems, Iranian Protected Agency, Boshehr Branch.
7- Panel career, Solution for restoration and policy marking of Anzali international aquatic ecosystem, Ordibehesht institute, Tehran.
8- Honor Collaborator of Royan Institute "Advisor to the Director of Supervision, Leadership and Consulting Project of the Protection and Rehabilitation of Iranian Wetlands", Environmental Protection Organization, 2018-2020.
9- Faculty member, Department of Environment Sciences, University of Zanjan (2015-cont)
10- Expert, Iranian Department on Environment (IR.DoE), (2010-2011)
11- Researcher and Teacher for Environmental Consulting Co. (2010-2014)
12- Guest researcher in Water Resources Management Co, Minister of Energy. (2012-2014)
Scientific Board (Supervisors/Advisors)
1) Changes in underground water quality in Kohdasht city, Lorestan province, Fatemeh Latifi, Master Thesis.
2) Biological assessment of Fars river using biological indicators of macrobenthos, Habib Moradpour, Master Thesis.
3) Ecological impact assessment of the fishers and sand intudstrials in Mohammad River, Ali Maghsoodlo, Master Thesis.
4) Biological evaluation of the water quality of Chaghakhor Wetland using biological indices. Shirin Shahbaz, Master Thesis.
5) Measuring of lead and cadmium metals in the edible vegetables in Zanjan city, Ali Mehrali Master Thesis.
6) Biological quality of Qezal-Ozon river in Tarem area using biological indicators, Naser Kiani, Master Thesis.
7) Bioassessing of nitrates in Lettuce, Tomatoes and Potatoes collected Zanjan, Akram Zolghadr, Master Thesis.
8) Determining the water requirement of plants in Qezal-Ozan River, Tarem County, Zanjan Province. Mohammad Zarein, Master Thesis.
9) Measurement of bisphenol A in drinking water bottles in Zanjan market, Mahsa Parto, Master Thesis.
10) Evaluation of the agricultural ecological potential of Mahenshan city using multi-quality decision analysis and geographic information system, Majid Abbasi, Master Thesis.
11) Evaluation of some biological and chemical characteristics of Golpayegan Wetland to restoration, Parisa Jallali, Master Thesis.
12) Challenges of biodiversity management in the aquatic protected area, Zanjan province, Parvaneh Safari, PhD dissertation.
Reviewer of Scientific Journal
1. EBook Title: Aquatic Toxicology, Editors: Dr. Hudson Polanini, OMICS Group International,
2. Community Ecology, Springer
3. Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer
4. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment; Springer,
5. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology; Springer,
6. Wetlands Ecology and Management; Springer,
7. Environmental Geochemistry and Health; Springer,
8. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety; Elsevier,
9. Science of the Total Environment, Elsevier
10. Aquatic Sciences, Springer
11. Toxicology and Industrial Health; Thomson Reuters, ISI,
12. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, ISI
13. Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal, ISI
14. Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability; Taylor & Francis,
15. Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal, ISI, ISC,
16. International Bulletin of Water Resources and Development, ISI, ISC, SID,
17. Journal of Animal Environment, Published in Persian,
Software Experiences
Expert Choice
Super Decisions