view:46956 Last Update: 2023-11-24
نشریه علمی لیست وزارتین نمایه شده در ISC | 147.
بهاره بیگ زادی, لیلا دولتیاری, محمدرضا یافتیان Application of Polymer Inclusion Membranes Composed of Cellulosetri acetate and Trioctylamine for the Decontamination of Water Solutions Containing Anionic Dye Congo Red شیمی و مهندسی شیمی ایران(Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering) شماره 4 (1403/10/23) صفحات 185-200
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 146.
Jamaledin Rajabi Arhani, Leila Dolatyari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian A different application of the Aliquat® 336 loaded poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) based electrospun nanofibers disks for the preconcentration followed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry detection of low-level Bi(III) MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL Issue 207 (2024-12-15) PP. 1-9
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 145.
Maryam Mostafavi, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Farideh Piri Piri, Leila Dolatyari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian A sulfamethoxazole electrochemical sensor based upon polyphenylenediamine/multiwalled carbon nanotubes IRANIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING-INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH EDITION Issue 1403 (2024-10-10) PP. 1-18
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 144.
Sheida Faraji, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Preparation of an electrochemical sensor based on layered double hydroxides for the determination of mesalazine MONATSHEFTE FUR CHEMIE Issue 2024 (2024-10-07) PP. 1-10
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 143.
Salimeh gohari kohneh shahri, Mahmoud Tavaor, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Hatam Agh Baloot Improving aqueous lithium-sulfur battery efficiency through tuned sulfur@hydroxyl functionalized graphene nanocomposites DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS Issue 148 (2024-08-23) PP. 1-9
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 142.
جمال الدین رجبی ارهانی, لیلا دولتیاری, محمدرضا یافتیان Comparison of the electrospun nanofiber discs and polymer inclusion membranes composed of PVC/Aliquat® 336 for the extraction of Bi(III) from zinc ingots Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering شماره 12 (1403/03/26) صفحات 1-11
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 141.
Davood Kazemi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian PVDF‑HFP‑based polymer inclusion membrane functionalized with D2EHPA for the selective extraction of bismuth(III) from sulfate media Scientific Reports Issue 14 (2024-05-21) PP. 1-13
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 140.
Salimeh gohari kohneh shahri, Mahmoud Tavaor, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Hatam Agh Baloot Sulfur-infused multi-layer graphene elevating aqueous lithium sulfur battery lifespa DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS Issue 2024 (2024-05-15) PP. 1-29
علمی-پژوهشی Scopus | 139.
Sara Hadadian, Leila Dolatyari, bahman farajmand, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Methylene blue elimination from contaminated water solutions using a polyvinyl chloride based polymer inclusion membrane containing bis(2- ethylhexyl)phosphoric Acid Chemical Review and Letters Issue 7 (2024-03-15) PP. 311-324
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 138.
Salimeh gohari kohneh shahri, Mahmoud Tavaor, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Hatam Agh Baloot, Savizi mohammad reza Advancements in the long-term performance of aqueous lithium-sulfur batteries DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS Issue 141 (2024-01-01) PP. 1-10
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 137.
Zeinab Darban sarokhalil, bahman farajmand, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, parvaneh nakhostin panahi, Hamed Bahrami Arduino-Based Paired Emitter-Detector Diode Photometer for the Sensitive Determination of Cobalt following Thin Film Microextraction Using a Polymer Inclusion Membrane ANALYTICAL LETTERS Issue 2023 (2023-12-25) PP. 1-15
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 136.
Mohammad Reza YAFTIAN, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Hatam Agh Baloot, Savizi mohammad reza Parametric optimization of sulfur@graphene composites for aqueous and solid-state rechargeable lithium-sulfur batteries DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS Issue 139 (2023-11-15) PP. 110267-1-110267-10
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 135.
Zahra Reisi, bahman farajmand, parvaneh nakhostin panahi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Gold recovery from electronic wastes using a solvent extraction/selective back-extraction strategy SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Issue 2023 (2023-09-26) PP. 1-10
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 134.
Maryam Afshar, Leila Dolatyari, Payam sohyeli azad, Mir Saeed seyeddoraji, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Unmodified and rGO-modified Zn/Al layered double hydroxides; nanoadsorbents employed for the solid phase extraction/HPLC determination of naproxen JOURNAL OF DISPERSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Issue 1 (2023-08-20) PP. 1-11
نشریه علمی لیست وزارتین نمایه شده در ISC | 133.
Leila Dolatyari, Parinaz gheravi khiavi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Development of a Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction for the Spectrophotometric Determination of Penicillin G in Milk and Biological Samples Journal of Human Environment and Health Promotion Issue 9 (2023-06-18) PP. 12-19
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 132.
Salar Bahrami, Leila Dolatyari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Polymer inclusion membranes composed of poly(vinylidene fluoride‑co‑hexafluoropropylene) and trihexyltetradecylphosphonium chloride, or trioctylmethylammonium chloride: kinetics and isotherms of Cr(VI) removal IRANIAN POLYMER JOURNAL Issue 2023 (2023-05-22) PP. 1-13
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 131.
Fatemeh Najafi, bahman farajmand, parvaneh nakhostin panahi, Hamidreza Sharafi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian A Solvent Extraction Design for the Selective Separation of Cadmium, Nickel, and Cobalt from Spent Rechargeable Ni-Cd Batteries IRANIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING-INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH EDITION Issue 41 (2023-01-31) PP. 3020-3031
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 130.
Somayeh Rasouli garmaroudi, Abdolreza nilchi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Javad Rafiee Optimization and modeling of preconcentration of lead in rice samples by organic gas steam–liquid extraction International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Issue 2023 (2023-01-10) PP. 1-10
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 129.
Zahra Abbassi, Leila Dolatyari, Payam sohyeli azad, Mir Saeed seyeddoraji, Mohammad Reza Yaftian SOLID PHASE EXTRACTION OF DIAZINON USING SDBS MODIFIED Mg/Al LAYERED DOUBLE HYDROXIDE Environmental Engineering and Management Journal Issue 21 (2022-11-22) PP. 1351-1361
نشریه علمی لیست وزارتین نمایه شده در ISC | 128.
سمیه رسولی گرمارودی, عبدالرضا نیلچی, محمدرضا یافتیان, جواد رفیعی Extraction and Determination of Trace Amounts of Lead in Aqueous Solutions by Organic Gas Steam Liquid Extraction (OGS-LE) نشریه مهندسی شیمی ایران- انجمن شیمی ایران شماره 122 (1401/07/17) صفحات 78-87
نشریه علمی لیست وزارتین نمایه شده در ISC | 127.
سمیه رسولی گرمارودی, عبدالرضا نیلچی, محمدرضا یافتیان, جواد رفیعی Extraction and determination of trace amounts of cadmium in aqueous solutions using organic gas steam liquid extraction method مجله علوم و فنون هسته ای شماره 102 (1401/07/03) صفحات 118-124
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 126.
Salimeh gohari kohneh shahri, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Savizi mohammad reza, Mahmoud Tavaor, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Hamidreza Sharafi A parametric study on encapsulation of elemental sulfur inside CNTs by sonically assisted capillary method: Cathodic material for rechargeable Li–S batteries MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS Issue 340 (2022-07-15) PP. 1-12
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 125.
Mohammad Reza YAFTIAN Application of organic gas steam-liquid extraction system for extraction and separation of uranium from water samples as a new efficient method RADIOCHIMICA ACTA Issue 2022 (2022-05-27) PP. 1-8
نشریه علمی لیست وزارتین نمایه شده در ISC | 124.
سما حیات خواه, بهمن فرجمند, محمدرضا یافتیان Application of homogenizer assisted dispersive liquid-phase microextraction in combination with ion mobility spectrometry for the determination of mefenamic acid in different samples پژوهش های کاربردی در شیمی (Jarc) شماره 3 (1401/03/03) صفحات 112-123
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 123.
Samira mohammad sharifkhani khamseh, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Majid haj hosseini, Ehsan zolfonon Introducing Organic Gas Steam-Liquid Extraction as a New Preconcentration Method for Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylene Determination in Water Samples by Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detection JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Issue 77 (2022-04-26) PP. 505-512
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 122.
Salar Bahrami, Leila Dolatyari, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Membrane extraction of V(V) by an oleic acid plasticized poly(vinyl chloride)/Aliquat® 336 polymer inclusion membrane JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE Issue 2022 (2022-04-21) PP. 1-12
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 121.
Davood Kazemi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Selective transport-recovery of bismuth(III) by a polymer inclusion membrane containing polyvinyl chloride base polymer and bis (2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY Issue 2022 (2022-03-15) PP. 1-9
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 120.
Shiva velayati harvani, Fariba Saadati, Hassan Shayani-Jam, - -, Rouhallah Valipour, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Fabrication and evaluation of a molecularly imprinted polymer electrochemical nanosensor for the sensitive monitoring of phenobarbital in biological samples MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL Issue 174 (2022-03-15) PP. 1-8
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 119.
Arezoo Najafi, bahman farajmand, Hamidreza Sharafi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian A fast and sensitive detection of low-level chloramphenicol in food samples using the IMS/homogenizer assisted DLPME combination JOURNAL OF FOOD COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS Issue 105 (2022-01-15) PP. 1-7
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 118.
سالار بهرامی, لیلا دولتیاری, حسن شایانی جم, محمدرضا یافتیان, Spas D. Kolev On the Potential of a Poly(vinylidenefluoride-cohexafluoropropylene) Polymer Inclusion Membrane Containing Aliquat® 336 and Dibutyl Phthalate for V(V) Extraction from Sulfate Solutions Membranes شماره 2022 (1400/10/24) صفحات 1-19
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 117.
Mohammad Reza YAFTIAN, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Investigation on Cycling and Calendar Aging Processes of 3.4 Ah Lithium-Sulfur Pouch Cells Sustainability Issue 13 (2021-08-25) PP. 1-14
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 116.
Narges Ghaderi, Leila Dolatyari, Davood Kazemi, Hamidreza Sharafi, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Application of a polymer inclusion membrane made of cellulose triacetate base polymer and trioctylamine for the selective extraction of bismuth(III) from chloride solutions JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE Issue 2021 (2021-08-20) PP. 1-13
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 115.
Mohammad Reza YAFTIAN Selective extraction of Bi(III) from sulfate solutions by a poly(vinyl chloride) based polymer inclusion membrane incorporating bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid as the extractant REACTIVE & FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS Issue 2021 (2021-07-15) PP. 1-11
علمی-پژوهشی ISC (سامانه نشریات علمی جهان اسلام) | 114.
عبدالحمید هاتفی مهرجاردی, صغری رفیعی بلداجی, محمدرضا یافتیان, حسن شایانی جم Anion-Doped Overoxidized Polypyrrole/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode as a New Electrochemical Sensing Platform For Buprenorphine Opioid Drug Iranian Journal Of Analytical Chemistry شماره 56-64 (1400/04/01) صفحات 1-10
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 113.
Roya tahaei, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Voltammetric determination of trace copper(II), cadmium(II), and lead(II) using a Schiff base modified glassy carbon working electrode MONATSHEFTE FUR CHEMIE Issue 2021 (2021-01-17) PP. 1-9
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 112.
Fatemeh Zamani, bahman farajmand, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Corona discharge ion mobility spectrometry combined by homogenizer assisted dispersive liquid-phase microextraction; A rapid and sensitive method for quantification of nortriptyline MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL Issue 159 (2020-09-24) PP. 1-7
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 111.
Siamak hashemipoor, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Hamideh Kalhor, Manouchehr Ghanbari A study on the discrimination of xylene isomers vapors by quartz crystal microbalance sensors Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society Issue 2020 (2020-09-23) PP. 1-15
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 110.
Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Elham Hajiloo, Leila Dolatyari Selective Emulsion Liquid Membrane Extraction of Cu(II) Mediated by a Schiff Base Ligand IRANIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING-INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH EDITION Issue 2020 (2020-09-13) PP. 1-22
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 109.
Soghra rafiei baldaji, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abdolhamid hatefi mehrjardi, Hassan Shayani-Jam Graphitic carbon nitride-graphene nanoplates; Application in the sensitive electrochemical detection of noscapine SYNTHETIC METALS Issue 2020 (2020-07-10) PP. 1-9
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 108.
پیام سهیلی ازاد, محمدرضا یافتیان, میرسعید سیددراجی Zn/Al‑layered double hydroxide–graphene oxide nanocomposite use in the solid‑phase extraction–preconcentration and HPLC determination of diclofenac CHEMICAL PAPERS شماره 2020 (1399/04/05) صفحات 1-14
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 107.
Mohammad Reza YAFTIAN PVDF-HFP based polymer inclusion membranes containing Cyphos® IL 101 and Aliquat® 336 for the removal of Cr(VI) from sulfate solutions SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY Issue 2020 (2020-06-15) PP. 1-11
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 106.
Esmaeil Mohseni, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Abbasali Zamani, Farideh Piri Piri Molecularly imprinted poly(4,4′‑methylenedianiline) for selective electrochemical detection of dibenzothiophene IRANIAN POLYMER JOURNAL Issue 29 (2020-03-14) PP. 403-409
علمی-پژوهشی لیست وزارتین نمایه شده در ISC | 105.
, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani The Role of Polyethylene Glycols Dissolved in Aqueous Phase on the Extraction-Separation of Zn(II) and Pb(II) by Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric Acid Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Research Issue 7 (2020-02-12) PP. 331-344
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 104.
Aboozar Sohrabi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Leila Dolatyari, Mir Saeed seyeddoraji, Payam sohyeli azad Application of Mg–Al and Zn–Al layered double hydroxides modified with sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate as a solid sorbent for removal of diazinon from water samples Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society Issue 17 (2020-02-04) PP. 1-17
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 103.
Esmaeil Mohseni, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Abbasali Zamani, Farideh Piri Piri Molecularly imprinted poly (4,4′-methylenedianiline) as electrochemical sensor for determination of 1-benzothiophene SYNTHETIC METALS Issue 0379-6779 (2020-01-01) PP. 1-5
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 102.
Tahmineh Javadi, bahman farajmand, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani Homogenizer assisted dispersive liquid-phase microextraction for the extraction-enrichment of phenols from aqueous samples and determination by gas chromatography JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A Issue XXX (پذیرش شده) (2019-11-27) PP. 1-8
علمی-پژوهشی لیست وزارتین نمایه شده در ISC | 101.
مهدی امانلو, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه, محمدرضا یافتیان, عباسعلی زمانی Measurement of concentration of some heavy metals in drinking water samples in Zanjan Water Supply Network پژوهش آب ایران- دانشگاه شهرکرد شماره 13 (1398/07/15) صفحات 19-26
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 100.
Payam sohyeli azad, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Mir Saeed seyeddoraji Application of zinc/aluminum layered double hydroxide nanosorbent in a fixed-bed column for SPE-preconcentration followed by HPLC determination of diclofenac in biological and hospital wastewater samples MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL Issue 148 (2019-05-11) PP. 270-276
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 99.
Leila Dolatyari, Mehri shateri, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Sadegh rostamniya Unmodified SBA-15 adsorbents for the removal and separation of Th(IV) and U(VI) ions: the role of pore channels and surface-active sites SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Issue (2018-12-25) PP. 1-16
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 98.
Zohreh Doosti, Leila Dolatyari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Sadegh rostamniya Adsorption of Eu(III), Th(IV), and U(VI) by mesoporous solid materials bearing sulfonic acid and sulfamic acid functionalities SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Issue (2018-12-03) PP. 1-16
علمی-پژوهشی ISC (سامانه نشریات علمی جهان اسلام) | 97.
Seyedeh Monireh mirgerami, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abdolhossein Parizanganeh, Abbasali Zamani The Status of Electronic Waste in Iran Journal of Human Environment and Health Promotion Issue 4 (2018-10-24) PP. 55-63
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 96.
Maryam Mostafavi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Farideh Piri Piri, Hassan Shayani-Jam A new diclofenac molecularly imprinted electrochemical sensor based upon a polyaniline/reduced graphene oxide nano-composite BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS Issue 122 (2018-09-25) PP. 160-167
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 95.
Mahsa Akbari, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Masoomeh parinezhad Electrochemical oxidation of acetaminophen in the presence of diclofenac and piroxicam - Synthesis of new derivatives and kinetic investigation of toxic quinone imine/drugs interactions JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Issue 1572-6657 (2018-09-09) PP. 160-166
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 94.
Somayeh Piri, Farideh Piri Piri, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani Imprinted Azorubine electrochemical sensor based upon composition of MnO2 and 1-naphthylamine on graphite nanopowder Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society Issue (2018-08-26) PP. 1-8
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 93.
Zeynab Pour Ali, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Savizi mohammad reza Li2S/transition metal carbide composite as cathode material for high performance lithium-sulfur batteries MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS Issue 217 (2018-06-29) PP. 117-124
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 92.
Zeynab Pour Ali, Savizi mohammad reza, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Zeynab Amiri, Seyed Mohsen Emami, Hossein Eslami Shahed Microstructures and Mechanical Behavior of Ti3SiC2/Al2O3-Ni Composites Synthesized by Pulse Discharge Sintering JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE Issue (2018-05-23) PP. 1-10
علمی-پژوهشی ISC (سامانه نشریات علمی جهان اسلام) | 91.
یونس خسروی, عباسعلی زمانی, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه, محمدرضا یافتیان Distribution of Heavy Metals in Soils Around the Lead and Zinc Production Plant in Zanjan پژوهش های خاک شماره 4 (1396/12/20) صفحات 627-639
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 90.
Bahram Hassani, Abbasali Zamani, Mahdieh koreh pazan moftakhar, Maryam Mostafavi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Massomeh Ghorbanloo Ionophore Properties of Schiff Base Compounds as Ion Sensing Molecules for Fabricating Cu(II) Ion-Selective Electrodes JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Issue 73 (2018-03-05) PP. 82-90
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 89.
Parvin rafighi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Behzad Haghighi Magnetic nanofibrous polyaniline nanocomposite for solid‑phase extraction of naproxen from biological samples prior to its spectrofluorimetric determination Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society Issue 15 (2018-03-03) PP. 1-13
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 88.
Siamak hashemipoor, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Hamideh Kalhor, Manouchehr Ghanbari Investigation of bovine serum albumin/tropicamide interaction using a quartz crystal microbalance sensor Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society Issue 15 (2018-03-03) PP. 1-8
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 87.
Leila Dolatyari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Sadegh rostamniya Adsorption of Th(IV) and U(VI) on functionalized SBA-15 mesoporous silica materials using fixed bed column method; breakthrough curves prediction and modeling SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Issue 53 (2018-03-03) PP. 1-14
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 86.
Fariba Saadati, Fariba Ghahremani, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Farideh Piri Piri, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Synthesis and characterization of nanostructure molecularly imprinted polyaniline/graphene oxide composite as highly selective electrochemical sensor for detection of p-nitrophenol Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Issue 86 (2018-02-25) PP. 213-221
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 85.
Mohammad Reza YAFTIAN Flow injection spectrophotometric determination of V(V) involving on-line separation using a poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene)-based polymer inclusion membrane TALANTA Issue 181 (2018-02-03) PP. 385-391
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 84.
Zeynab Pour Ali, Savizi mohammad reza, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Two-Dimensional Ti3C2TX/CMK-5 nanocomposite as high performance anodes for lithium batteries JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Issue 738 (2018-01-04) PP. 130-137
Zahra Shamsi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abdolhossein Parizanganeh, Abbasali Zamani Wastewater Treatment by Using Polyurethane Foams Modified with Bis-[2-ethylhexyl] Phosphoric Acid: Kinetics, Equilibrium and Desorption Studies Journal of Human Environment and Health Promotion Issue 3 (2017-11-21) PP. 28-37
| |
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 82.
Savizi mohammad reza, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Seyed Taher seyedin A reduced graphene oxide@sulfur nanocomposite as a high-capacity host matrix for advanced lithium–sulfur batteries NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY Issue 41 (2017-11-07) PP. 12589-12595
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 81.
Mohammad Reza YAFTIAN Selective extraction of vanadium(V) from sulfate solutions into a polymer inclusion membrane composed of poly(vinylidenefluoride-cohexafluoropropylene) and Cyphos® IL 101 JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE Issue 545 (2017-10-18) PP. 57-65
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 80.
Mahdieh koreh pazan moftakhar, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Massomeh Ghorbanloo Potential of L-tyrosine and L-tryptophan modified silica nanoparticles as adsorbents for Pb(II) ions: kinetics and thermodynamic investigation Desalination and Water Treatment Issue 92 (2017-09-01) PP. 255-266
علمی-پژوهشی Scopus | 79.
Younes Khosravi, Abbasali Zamani, Abdolhossein Parizanganeh, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Assessment of spatial distribution pattern of heavy metals surrounding a lead and zinc production plant in Zanjan Province, Iran Geoderma Regional Issue 12 (2017-07-12) PP. 10-17
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 78.
Leila Dolatyari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Sadegh rostamniya, Mir Saeed seyeddoraji Multivariate Optimization of a Functionalized SBA-15 Mesoporous Based Solid-Phase Extraction for U(VI) Determination in Water Samples ANALYTICAL SCIENCES Issue 33 (2017-07-10) PP. 769-776
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 77.
Fariba Saadati, Mohammad Rahmani, Fariba Ghahremani, Farideh Piri Piri, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Synthesis of a novel ion-imprinted polyaniline/hyper-cross-linked polystyrene nanocomposite for selective removal of lead(II) ions from aqueous solutions Desalination and Water Treatment Issue 82 (2017-05-25) PP. 210-218
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 76.
Leila Dolatyari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Sadegh rostamniya Th(IV)/U(VI) Sorption on Modified SBA–15 Mesoporous Materials in Fixed–Bed Column IRANIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING-INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH EDITION Issue 36 (2017-04-17) PP. 115-125
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 75.
Armin fashi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani Electromembrane extraction-preconcentration followed by microvolume UV–Vis spectrophotometric determination of mercury in water and fish samples FOOD CHEMISTRY Issue 221 (2017-04-15) PP. 714-720
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 74.
Seyed Taher seyedin, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Savizi mohammad reza Cobalt oxyhydroxide/graphene oxide nanocomposite for amelioration of electrochemical performance of lithium/sulfur batteries JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY Issue 21 (2017-02-13) PP. 649-654
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 73.
Leila Dolatyari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Sadegh rostamniya Fixed-bed column dynamic studies and breakthrough curve analysis of Eu(III) ion adsorption onto chemically modified SBA-15 silica materials SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Issue 52 (2017-02-12) PP. 393-403
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 72.
Mahdieh koreh pazan moftakhar, Leila Habibi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Selective and Efficient Ligandless Water-in-Oil Emulsion Liquid Membrane Transport of Thorium(IV) Ions IRANIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING-INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH EDITION Issue 35 (2017-01-18) PP. 125-134
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 71.
Mahdieh koreh pazan moftakhar, Zohreh Doosti, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Massomeh Ghorbanloo Investigation of heavy metal ions adsorption behavior of silica-supported Schiff base ligands Desalination and Water Treatment Issue 57 (2017-01-04) PP. 27396-27408
علمی-پژوهشی ISC (سامانه نشریات علمی جهان اسلام) | 70.
الهامه محمدپورقورچی, محمدرضا یافتیان, عباسعلی زمانی, پروین قربانی Optimization of continuous flow adsorption of heavy metal ions on continuous system column by Peganum Harmala seeds archives of hygiene sciences شماره 6 (1395/10/12) صفحات 32-38
Azadeh Alizadeh, Abdolhossein Parizanganeh, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani Application of Cellulosic Biomass for Removal of Cationic Dye Rhodamine 6G from Aqueous Solutions International Journal of Waste Resources Issue 6 (2016-12-27) PP. 1-5
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علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 68.
Armin fashi, Fatemeh khanban, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani Improved electromembrane microextraction efficiency of chloramphenicol in dairy products: the cooperation of reduced graphene oxide and a cationic surfactant RSC Advances Issue 6 (2016-11-29) PP. 112748-112755
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 67.
Somayeh Piri, Zahra alikhani zanjani, Farideh Piri Piri, Abbasali Zamani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, - davari Potential of polyaniline modified clay nanocomposite as a selective decontamination adsorbent for Pb(II) ions from contaminated waters; kinetics and thermodynamic study, Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering Issue 14 (2016-11-09) PP. 1-10
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 66.
Hamideh Kalhor, Siamak hashemipoor, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Ultrasound-Assisted Emulsification-Microextraction/Ion Mobility Spectrometry Combination: Application for Analysis of Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues in Rice Samples Food Analytical Methods Issue 9 (2016-10-15) PP. 3006-3014
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 65.
Armin fashi, Fatemeh khanban, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani The cooperative effect of reduced graphene oxide and Triton X-114 on the electromembrane microextraction efficiency of Pramipexole as a model analyte in urine samples TALANTA Issue 162 (2016-10-13) PP. 210-217
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 64.
Maryam hami dindar, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Milad haji hasani, Sadegh rostamniya Refinement of contaminated water by Cr(VI), As(V) and Hg(II) using N -donor ligands arranged on SBA-15 platform; batch and fixed-bed column methods Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Issue 67 (2016-10-07) PP. 325-337
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 63.
سیدطاهر سیدین, سویزی محمد رضا, محمدرضا یافتیان Enhancing lithium–sulphur battery performance by copper oxide@graphene oxide nanocomposite-modified cathode CHEM PAP شماره 70 (1395/07/13) صفحات 1590-1599
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 62.
Reyhaneh safarbali, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani, Massomeh Ghorbanloo Combination of size selective binding ability of 18‑crown‑6 dissolved in aqueous phase and extractive properties of an amic acid; toward enhancement of rare earths separation Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society Issue 13 (2016-09-11) PP. 2085-2091
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 61.
Armin fashi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani Electromembrane-microextraction of bismuth in pharmaceutical and human plasma samples: optimization using response surface methodology MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL Issue 130 (2016-08-14) PP. 71-78
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 60.
Reyhaneh safarbali, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani Cooperative effect of 2-(dibutylcarbamoyl)benzoic acid and 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone for the synergistic extraction of lanthanide ions SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Issue 51 (2016-08-11) PP. 1351-1361
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 59.
Mahdieh koreh pazan moftakhar, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Massomeh Ghorbanloo Adsorption efficiency, thermodynamics and kinetics of Schiff base-modified nanoparticles for removal of heavy metals INT J ENVIRON SCI TE Issue 13 (2016-06-12) PP. 1707-1722
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 58.
Zinat Karam Zadeh, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Zahra shiri yekta, Abdolreza nilchi, Leila Dolatyari Extraction-separation of Eu(III)/Th(IV) Ions with a Phosphorylated Ligand in an Ionic Liquid IRANIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING-INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH EDITION Issue 35 (2016-04-25) PP. 89-95
Hamideh Kalhor, Siamak hashemipoor, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Parvin shah doosti Determination of carbamazepine in formulation samples using dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction method followed by ion mobility spectrometry International Journal of Ion Mobility Spectrometry Issue 19 (2016-03-10) PP. 51-56
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علمی-پژوهشی معتبر | 56.
Zahra kaboli tanha, Mahdieh koreh pazan moftakhar, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Nader Noshiranzadeh Selective and Efficient Solvent Extraction of Copper(II) Ions from Chloride Solutions by Oxime Extractants Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Research Issue 3 (2016-03-05) PP. 53-63
علمی-پژوهشی ISC (سامانه نشریات علمی جهان اسلام) | 55.
عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه Statistical evaluation of topsoil heavy metal pollution around a lead and zinc production plant in Zanjan province, Iran Caspian Journal of environmental sciences علوم محیطی خزر- دانشگاه گیلان شماره 13 (1394/12/14) صفحات 349-361
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 54.
Leila Dolatyari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Sadegh rostamniya AdsorptioncharacteristicsofEu(III)andTh(IV)ionsontomodifiedmesoporoussilicaSBA-15materials Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Issue 60 (2016-02-24) PP. 174-184
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 53.
Reyhaneh safarbali, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani Solvent extraction-separation of La(III), Eu(III) and Er(III) ions from aqueous chloride medium using carbamoyl-caboxylicacid extractants JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS Issue 34 (2016-01-05) PP. 91-98
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 52.
Leila Dolatyari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Sadegh rostamniya Removal of uranium(VI) ions from aqueous solutions using Schiff base functionalized SBA-15 mesoporous silica materials JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Issue 169 (2015-12-22) PP. 8-17
علمی-پژوهشی معتبر | 51.
Hossein Soltani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani, Massomeh Ghorbanloo Selective Liquid-Liquid Extraction of Lead Ions Using Newly Synthesized Extractant2-(Dibutylcarbamoyl)benzoic Acid Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Research Issue 2 (2015-12-01) PP. 91-98
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 50.
Somayeh Piri, Farideh Piri Piri, Bahareh Rajabi, Sahar Ebrahimi, Abbasali Zamani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian In situ One-pot Electrochemical Synthesis of Aluminum Oxide/polyaniline Nanocomposite; Characterization and Its Adsorption Properties towards Some Heavy Metal Ions JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY Issue 62 (2015-11-21) PP. 1045-1052
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 49.
Sadabeh kafashi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani Binding ability of crown ethers towards Pb(II) ions in binary water/organic solvents using solvent extraction method JOURNAL OF SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Issue 44 (2015-10-02) PP. 1798-1811
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 48.
Mahdieh koreh pazan moftakhar, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani Development of a Cloud Point Extraction Method for Determination of Trace Amounts of Copper(II) in Water Samples JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Issue 70 (2015-07-27) PP. 1085-1091
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 47.
Armin fashi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani Determination of melamine in dairy products usingelectromembrane–LPME followed by HPLC FOOD CHEMISTRY Issue 188 (2015-05-15) PP. 92-98
Maryam hami dindar, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Sadegh rostamniya Potential of functionalized SBA-15 mesoporous materials for decontamination of water solutions from Cr(VI), As(V) and Hg(II) ions Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering Issue 3 (2015-05-05) PP. 986-995
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Yasaman Heydari abhari, Mahdieh koreh pazan moftakhar, Abbasali Zamani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Effect of Polyethylene Glycols Dissolved in Aqueous Phase on the Extraction- Separation of La(III), Eu(III) and Er(III) Ions with Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric Acid Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Research Issue 2 (2015-04-21) PP. 22-30
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علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 44.
Maryam hami dindar, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Mahsa pilehvari, Sadegh rostamniya SBA‑15 mesoporous materials decorated with organic ligands: use as adsorbents for heavy metal ions Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society Issue 12 (2015-02-15) PP. 561-572
علمی-پژوهشی ISC (سامانه نشریات علمی جهان اسلام) | 43.
Parisa Heydari, Abbasali Zamani, Mahdieh koreh pazan moftakhar, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Benzo15-crown-5 as Sensory Molecule for Fabrication of a Lead(II) Ion-selective Potentiometric Sensor Analytical and Bioanalytical Electrochemistry Issue 6 (2015-01-01) PP. 733-744
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 42.
Zahra shiri yekta, Abdolreza nilchi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Yousefnia h Separation and direct UV detection of complexed lanthanides, thorium and uranyl ions with 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone by using capillary zone electrophoresis JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Issue 302 (2014-11-20) PP. 1143-1150
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 41.
Nejat sadati behbahani, Kobra rostami zadeh, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani, Hamideh Ahmadi Covalently modified magnetite nanoparticles with PEG: preparation and characterization as nano-adsorbent for removal of lead from wastewater Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering Issue 12 (2014-10-01) PP. 103-114
Mahdieh koreh pazan moftakhar, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Samaneh nahaei, Abbasali Zamani Application of Polyurethane Foam Loaded with a Schiff Base Ligand for Determination of Trace Amounts of Copper in Water Samples by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Journal of the Korean Chemical Society Issue 58 (2014-03-12) PP. 283-288
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علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 39.
Zahra shiri yekta, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abdolreza nilchi Silica nanoparticles modified with a Schiff base ligand: An efficient adsorbent for Th(IV), U(VI) and Eu(III) ions KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Issue 30 (2013-06-16) PP. 1644-1651
علمی-پژوهشی ISC (سامانه نشریات علمی جهان اسلام) | 38.
Parisa Heydari, Shabnam Jalali, Zahra mofidi, Abbasali Zamani, Shabnam Jalali, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Preparation of a lead ion-selective electrode based upon crown ether nitrobenzo 18-crown-6 Analytical and Bioanalytical Electrochemistry Issue 5 (2013-05-07) PP. 305-315
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 37.
Farhang mizani, Mojtaba shamsi poor, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Dominik mat Flow-injection potentiometry by poly(vinyl chloride)-membrane electrodes with diphosphoryl-dicarboxylicacid-p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene ionophore for the determination of Th(IV) ions ANALYTICAL SCIENCES Issue 29 (2013-03-15) PP. 361-366
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 36.
Zahra shiri yekta, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abdolreza nilchi Extraction-separation of Eu(III) and Th(IV) ions from nitrate media into a room-temperature ionic liquid Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society Issue 10 (2013-02-04) PP. 221-327
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 35.
Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Ali kargari Water-In-oil Emulsion Liquid Membrane Transport of L-Cysteine SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Issue 48 (2013-01-15) PP. 105-112
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 34.
Abbasali Zamani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abdolhossein Parizanganeh Statistical assessment of heavy metal pollution sources of groundwater around a lead and zinc plant Iranian Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Sciences & Engineering Issue 9 (2012-12-17) PP. 1-10
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 33.
Abbas Ali Zamani, Masoomeh parinezhad, Fatemeh Jamali, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Dominik mat Evaluation of a wide rim phosphorylated calix[4]arene’s properties as a sensory molecule in an Er(III)-PVC membrane sensor TURKISH JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY Issue 36 (2012-12-15) PP. 907-916
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 32.
Abbas Ali Zamani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abdolhossein Parizanganeh Multivariate statistical assessment of heavy metal pollution sources of groundwater around a lead and zinc plant Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Sciences & Engineering Issue 9 (2012-12-09) PP. 29-38
علمی-پژوهشی ISC (سامانه نشریات علمی جهان اسلام) | 31.
Abbasali Zamani, Reyhaneh Shokri, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abdolhossein Parizanganeh Adsorption of lead, zinc and cadmium ions from contaminated water onto Peganum harmala seeds as biosrbent International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Issue 10 (2012-09-04) PP. 93-102
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 30.
Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Ali kargari, Dominik mat Emulsion liquid membrane pertraction of l-cysteine from sodium chloride aqueous solutions mediated by a narrow rim phosphorylated cone-shaped calix[4]arene Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society Issue 9 (2012-08-27) PP. 783-789
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 29.
Reza golbadaghi, Samira Jafari, Farzad khajavi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Reza Azad Bakht Preconcentration and determination of Pb(II), Cu(II) and Cd(II) ions on octadecyl silica membrane disk modified with 2-mercapto-benzoimidazole by flame atomic absorption spectrometry Analytical Methods Issue 4 (2012-06-15) PP. 2318-2322
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 28.
Reza golbadaghi, Samira Jafari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Reza Azad Bakht, Sadegh saleh zadeh, Babak Valeh Determination of cadmium(II) ion by atomic absorption spectrometry after cloud point extraction Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society Issue 9 (2012-01-03) PP. 251-256
سمیرا جعفری, محمدرضا یافتیان, معصومه پری نژاد A study on the extraction of cd(II) co(II) and ni(II) ions by bis(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid and 2- thenoyltrifluoroacetone شیمی و مهندسی شیمی ایران(Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering) شماره 59 (1390/09/08) صفحات 89-96
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علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 26.
Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Maedeh Nasiri, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Ali kargari Highly Selective Extraction and Transport through a Bulk Liquid Membrane of L-Cysteine Using [K • DC18C6]+ Complexes SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Issue 46 (2011-11-15) PP. 2473-2480
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 25.
Negar sehati, Zahra shiri yekta, Abbas Ali Zamani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Nader Noshiranzadeh Solvent Extraction of Th(IV)and EU(III) lon by 3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-\Hydroxy-Benzaldehyde Oxime form Aqueous Chloride Media SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Issue 47 (2011-10-02) PP. 670-676
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 24.
Abbas Ali Zamani, Neda khorshid, Zahra mofidi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Crown Ethers Bearing 18C6 Unit; Sensory Molecules for Fabricating PVC Membrane Lead Ion-Selective Electrodes JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY Issue 58 (2011-05-27) PP. 673-680
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 23.
Abbasali Zamani, Neda khorshid, Zahra mofidi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Crown ethers bearing 18C6 unit; sensory molecules for fabricating PVC membrane lead ion-selective electrodes JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY Issue 58 (2011-05-27) PP. 673-680
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 22.
Zahra shiri yekta, Mohammad Reza Yaftian َAnion control selectivity of neutral N4-type Schiff base extractants towards transition metal ions IRANIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING-INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH EDITION Issue 54 (2010-11-30) PP. 11-17
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 21.
Parvin rafighi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Nader Noshiranzadeh Solvent extraction of cobalt(II) ions: cooperation of oximes and neutral donors SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY Issue 75 (2010-09-24) PP. 32-38
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 20.
Maryam hami dindar, Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Nader Noshiranzadeh Solid phase extraction of copper(II) ions using C18-silica disks modified by oxime ligands JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Issue 179 (2010-07-15) PP. 289-294
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 19.
Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Shiva Rostamkhani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Determination of trace amounts of copper in water samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after preconcentration on octadecyl-bonded silica membranes modified by a di-Schiff base ligand JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Issue 65 (2010-06-15) PP. 614-619
Masoomeh parinezhad, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Mobile carrier properties of N2O2- and N3O2-type Schiff base molecules towards copper(II) ions International Journal of Civil Engineering INT J CIV ENG Issue 28 (2009-11-30) PP. 85-90
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علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 17.
Samira Jafari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Masoomeh parinezhad Facilitated transport of cadmium as anionic iodo-complexes through bulk liquid membrane containing hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY Issue 70 (2009-11-19) PP. 118-122
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 16.
Mohammad Reza YAFTIAN, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Amelioration of extraction - separation efficiency of Zn(II) , Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions with bis (2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid in the presence of a water - soluble N4-type schiff base ligand SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY Issue 66 (2009-06-15) PP. 93-103
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 15.
Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Cloud point extraction and flame atomic absorption spectrometry determination of trace amounts JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE Issue 334 (2009-06-15) PP. 167-170
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 14.
Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Enrichment of trace amounts of copper(II) ions in water samples using octadecyl silica disks modified by a Schiff base ionophore prior to flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Issue 164 (2009-05-15) PP. 133-137
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 13.
Abbas Ali Zamani, Sadat zarabadi atefeh, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Water soluble crown ethers: selective masking agents for improving extraction-separation of zinc and lead cations J INCL PHENOM MACRO Issue 63 (2009-02-15) PP. 327-334
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 12.
Abdolreza nilchi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Gholamreza Aboulhasanlou, As Rasouli garmaroudi Adsorption of selected ions on hydrous cerium oxide JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Issue 1 (2009-02-15) PP. 65-74
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 11.
Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Masoomeh parinezhad, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Multidentate nitrogen/oxygen donor ionophores; their use as selective extracting and mobile-carrier agents for copper(II) ions SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY Issue 64 (2008-11-20) PP. 1-7
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 10.
Mohammad Reza YAFTIAN, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Selective uphill transport of anionic cadmium complexes from iodide solutions through bulk liquid membrane containing Rhodamine B as an anion carrier CAN J ANAL SCI SPECT Issue 4 (2008-06-15) PP. 163-170
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 9.
Saeid rayati, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Hamid Reza Khavasi Bis(2-acetyl-1-naphtholato-O-O) copper (II) ACTA CRYSTALLOGR E Issue E63 (2007-06-06) PP. m898-m899
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 8.
Zahra pilehvari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Saeid rayati, Masoomeh parinezhad A novel wire –type lead-Selective Electrode based on Bis (1-Hydroxy -2-Acetonaphthone)-2,2-Diiminodiethylamine ANN CHIM-ROME Issue 97 (2007-06-06) PP. 747-757
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 7.
Mohammad Reza YAFTIAN Ion Binding Properties of 5,11,17,23,-tetra-tert-Butyl-25,27-bis (diethylcarbamoylmethoxy)-26, 28- bis (diphenylphosphinoylmethoxy) calix[4]arene Towards Alkaline-Earth Cations CHEM ANAL-WARSAW Issue 52 (2007-06-06) PP. 103-113
Masoomeh parinezhad, Mohammad Reza Yaftian A Study on the Removal of chromium (VI) Oxanions from Acid Solutions by Using Oxonium Ion –Crown Ether Complexes as Mobile Carrier Agents International Journal of Civil Engineering INT J CIV ENG Issue 26(4) (2007-06-06) PP. 19-27
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علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 5.
Dariush emadi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Saeid rayati N, N/ -Bis(1/ -hydroxy-2/ -acetonaphthone) propylenediamine: Synthesis, Extractive Properties. And Use as an Ionophore in a Cu(II)-Selective Potentiometric Sensor TURKISH JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY Issue 31 (2007-06-06) PP. 423-433
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 4.
Mohammad Reza YAFTIAN A New Silver(I) Potentiometric Sensor Based on a Calix[4]arene Substituted at the Narrow Rim by Amide/phosphoryl Groups JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY Issue 54 (2007-06-06) PP. 1529-1534
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 3.
Mohammad Reza YAFTIAN A Lead – selective Membrane ElectrodeBased upon a Phosphorylated Hexahomotrioxacalix[3]arene JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY Issue 54 (2007-06-06) PP. 1535-1542
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 2.
Mohammad Reza YAFTIAN Highly Selective and sensitive Th 4+- PVC-based membrane sensor based on 2-(diphenylphosphorothioyl)-N/, N/ -diphenylacetamide JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROCHEMISTRY Issue 37 (2007-06-06) PP. 827-833
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 1.
Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Saeid rayati, Reyhaneh safarbali, Niloofar Torabi A new tetradentate N2O2 -type Schiff base ligand . Synthesis , extractive properties towards transition metal ions and X-ray crystal structure of its nickel complex TRANSITION METAL CHEMISTRY Issue 32 (2007-06-06) PP. 374-378
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ملی معتبر |
177. رحیم بابره, حسن شایانی جم, محمدرضا یافتیان, بهمن فرجمند, محمد حسن معینی فر, شادی معینی فر Electrochemical Study of the Acetaminophen and Pomegranate Extract Interaction کنفرانس شیمی آلی ایران دانشگاه قم, تهران, 1402/10/10 - 1402/10/12 |
ملی معتبر |
176. شادی معینی فر, حسن شایانی جم, محمدرضا یافتیان The Mechanism investigation of Acetaminophen's Interaction with L-Cysteine and L-Methionine by Electrochemical Techniques کنفرانس شیمی آلی ایران دانشگاه قم, تهران, 1402/08/10 - 1402/08/12 |
ملی معتبر |
175. Mohammad Zarei, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Fabrication of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode for the Electrochemical Determination of Naproxen Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25 |
ملی معتبر |
174. Zahra Tajiki, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Salar Bahrami, Leila Dolatyari Preparation of a Novel Polymer Inclusion Membrane Based on Industrial PVDF Polymer for the Extraction of the Bismuth(III) Iranian Seminar of Organic chemistry (ISOC) دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25 |
ملی معتبر |
173. Elham Shahbazi, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Electrochemical investigation of drug interaction of mesalazine with captopril in aqueous solution Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25 |
ملی معتبر |
172. Maryam Safarikelachaye, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Sohrab Rahmani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Introduction of A New Polymer Inclusion Membrane Based Upon Mixed Cellulose Triacetate/Poly Vinylidene Fluoride-CO-Hexafluoropropylene Polymers and Trioctylamine Extractant for the Extraction of Bi(III) From Chloride Solutions Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25 |
ملی معتبر |
171. Mohammad hasan Moeini, Jamaledin Rajabi Arhani, Leila Dolatyari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Fabrication of PVC-based polymer inclusion membranes containing Cyphos® IL 101 to extract bismuth from chloride medium Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25 |
ملی معتبر |
170. Shadi Moinifar, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Electrochemical oxidation of acetaminophen in the presence of amino acids Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25 |
ملی معتبر |
169. Farnoosh Mirzahoseinkhani, Jamaledin Rajabi Arhani, bahman farajmand, Leila Dolatyari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Pre-concentration and determination of trace amounts of bismuth in human urine by electrospun nanofiber fabricated by PVC/Aliquat® 336 Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25 |
ملی معتبر |
168. Bahareh Beigzadi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Leila Dolatyari Polymer Inclusion Membrane Composed of Cellulose Triacetate and Trioctylamine for Removal of the Anionic Dye Congo Red Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25 |
ملی معتبر |
167. Masomeh Keshavarz tork, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Investigation of electrochemical behavior of mesalazine in the presence of amino acids Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25 |
ملی معتبر |
166. Sara Hadadian, Fatemeh Najafi, bahman farajmand, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Extraction of Methylene Blue (MB) from Water Solutions by a Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Based Polymer Inclusion Membrane Incorporating Bis (2-ethylhexyl)Phosphoric Acid As the Extractant Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25 |
ملی معتبر |
165. Narghes Ghoshahi, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Electrochemical investigation of drug interaction of epinephrine with captopril in aqueous solution Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25 |
ملی معتبر |
164. Zahra Ebrahimi, Leila Dolatyari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Removal of Acid Fuchsin Dye by Using PVC-Based Polymer Inclusion Membranes Containing Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric Acid Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25 |
ملی معتبر |
163. Zahra Askarianchaijan, Salar Bahrami, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, bahman farajmand Extraction of Co(II) from Thiocyanate Solutions Using Polymer Inclusion Membranes Composed of Cellulose Triacetate as the Base Polymer and Trioctylamine as Extractant Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25 |
بینالمللی |
162. محمد رضا یافتیان, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Development of new PET/Nano-Fillers Masterbatch With Excellent UV Radiation Protection International congress on nanoscience and Nanotechnology دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مشهد, مشهد, 2021-02-17 - 2021-02-18 |
ملی معتبر |
161. فاطمه نجفی, محمدرضا یافتیان, بهمن فرجمند, پروانه نخستین پناهی A New Solvent Extraction Design for the Recovery of Valuable and Environmentally Important Metals from Spent Reachargeable Ni- Cd Batteries سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه اراک, اراک, 1398/06/12 - 1398/06/13 |
ملی معتبر |
160. Zahra Raeisi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, bahman farajmand, parvaneh nakhostin panahi A New Approach and Efficient Solvent Extraction/Recovery of Gold and Copper from Waste Electrical Equipment Using Tri-n-Octylamine as Extractant -- دانشگاه اراک, اراک, 2019-09-03 - 2019-09-04 |
ملی معتبر |
159. Zeinab Darban sarokhalil, bahman farajmand, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, parvaneh nakhostin panahi Development of a polymer inclusion membrane based optode for the sensitive determination of Co(II) Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سمنان, سمنان, 2019-08-25 - 2019-08-27 |
ملی معتبر |
158. Seyede zahra Noori, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Mir Saeed seyeddoraji Corrosion behavior of copper in sulphuric acid solution in the presence of polyethylene glycol Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سمنان, سمنان, 2019-08-25 - 2019-08-27 |
ملی معتبر |
157. Maryam Afshar, Payam sohyeli azad, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Mir Saeed seyeddoraji Potential of a Zn/Al layered double hydroxide nanosorbent for SPE-preconcentration followed by HPLC determination of naproxen in biological and wastewater samples Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سمنان, سمنان, 2019-08-25 - 2019-08-27 |
ملی معتبر |
156. نرگس قادری, لیلا دولتیاری, داود کاظمی, محمدرضا یافتیان, حسن شایانی جم Isotherm and Kinetic Studies on the Bi(III) Extraction from Hydrochloric Acid Media by a Polymer Inclusion Membrane Containing Trioctylamine کنفرانس شیمی فیزیک ایران دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 1398/05/29 - 1398/05/31 |
ملی معتبر |
155. مریم باقری, حسن شایانی جم, محمدرضا یافتیان Electrochemical oxidation of acetaminophen in the presence of metformin کنفرانس شیمی فیزیک ایران دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 1398/05/29 - 1398/05/31 |
ملی معتبر |
154. فاطمه زندیان سفیددشتی, حسن شایانی جم, محمدرضا یافتیان Electrochemical Behavior Study of Flutamide in Aqueous Solutions کنفرانس شیمی فیزیک ایران دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 1398/05/29 - 1398/05/31 |
ملی معتبر |
153. داود کاظمی, حمید رضا شرفی, محمدرضا یافتیان, Spas D. Kolev Investigation of the kinetics and isotherms of the uptake of Bi(III) by a poly(vinyl chloride) inclusion membrane containing di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid کنفرانس شیمی فیزیک ایران دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 1398/05/29 - 1398/05/31 |
ملی معتبر |
152. محمد رضا یافتیان Kinetic and Isotherm Modeling Studies of the V(V) Extraction from Sulfate Solution Using an Aliquat® 336/PVDF-Co-HFP Polymer Inclusion Membrane Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2019-08-20 - 2019-08-22 |
ملی معتبر |
151. - haghani, Maryam Mostafavi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Farideh Piri Piri, Hassan Shayani-Jam Fabrication of a sensor based upon polyphenylenediamine/NiO/MWCNTs nano-composite for determination of morphine Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه تبریز, تبریز, 2018-09-03 - 2018-09-05 |
ملی معتبر |
150. Meysam Ahmadi, Leila Dolatyari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Preparation and examination of potential of polymer inclusion membranes containing crown ethers towards Cr(VI) Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه تبریز, تبریز, 2018-09-03 - 2018-09-05 |
ملی معتبر |
149. محمد رضا یافتیان The potential of Cyphos® IL 101-based polymer inclusion membranes for selective extraction and on-line separation-FIA spectrophotometric determination of vanadium Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه تبریز, تبریز, 2018-09-03 - 2018-09-05 |
ملی معتبر |
148. شیوا ولایتی هروانی, فریبا سعادتی , محمدرضا یافتیان, حسن شایانی جم A phenobarbital molecularly imprinted polymer electrochemical sensor based upon a polyaniline/graphene oxide nanocomposite کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 1397/04/26 - 1397/04/28 |
ملی معتبر |
147. فاطمه زمانی, بهمن فرجمند, محمدرضا یافتیان Determination of nortriptyline in aqueous sample by dispersive liquid phase microextraction followed by ion mobility spectrometry کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 1397/04/26 - 1397/04/28 |
ملی معتبر |
146. پوریا نجواک, سالار بهرامی, حسن شایانی جم, لیلا دولتیاری, محمدرضا یافتیان, Spas D. Kolev PVDF-HFP based polymer inclusion membranes composed of Aliquat® 336 and Cyphos® IL 101 for removal of Cr(VI) from sulfate solutions کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 1397/04/26 - 1397/04/28 |
ملی معتبر |
145. ارزو نجفی, محمدرضا یافتیان, بهمن فرجمند Application of dispersive liquid phase microextraction followed by corona discharge-ion mobility spectrometry for determination of pramipexole کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 1397/04/26 - 1397/04/28 |
ملی معتبر |
144. فهیمه توکلی, حسن شایانی جم, محمدرضا یافتیان, معصومه پری نژاد Electrochemical investigation of acetaminophen/amlodipine interactions کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 1397/04/26 - 1397/04/28 |
ملی معتبر |
143. نیلوفر رحمانی, حسن شایانی جم, محمدرضا یافتیان, بهمن فرجمند Electrochemical oxidation of acetaminophen in the presence of clonazepam کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 1397/04/26 - 1397/04/28 |
بینالمللی |
142. محمد رضا یافتیان The use of Cyphos® IL 101-based polymer inclusion membranes for the extraction and separation of V(V) from sulfate solutions International Solvent Extraction Conference Kyushu University, Japan, 2017-10-26 - 2017-10-30 |
ملی معتبر |
141. Aboozar Sohrabi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Mir Saeed seyeddoraji, Leila Dolatyari A Study on the Removal of the Diazinon from Aqueous Solution by Double Layer Hydroxid Mg-Al Modified by SDBS == دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2017-08-27 - 2017-08-28 |
ملی معتبر |
140. Masoomeh Mohammadi, Payam sohyeli azad, Mir Saeed seyeddoraji, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Solid Phase Extraction and Determination of Diazinon by Layered Double Hydroxide Modified with SDS surfactant Masomeh == دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2017-08-27 - 2017-08-28 |
ملی معتبر |
139. Tahmineh Javadi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, bahman farajmand, Abbasali Zamani Application of dispersive liquid-liquid micro extraction followed by gas chromatography for determination of some phenols in aqueous matrix == دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2017-08-27 - 2017-07-28 |
ملی معتبر |
138. Somayeh Mirzaei, bahman farajmand, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, parvaneh nakhostin panahi, Masoomeh parinezhad Application of dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction for extraction and preconcentration of some heavy metals from aqueous samples and determination by gas chromatography == دانشگاه زنجان, زنجان, 2017-08-27 - 2017-08-28 |
ملی معتبر |
137. سویزی محمد رضا, زینب پورعلی, محمدرضا یافتیان Preparation and electrochemical properties investigation of sheet like electrode کنفرانس دوسالانه الکتروشیمی ایران دانشگاه اصفهان, اصفهان, 1396/02/13 - 1396/02/14 |
ملی معتبر |
136. محمدرضا یافتیان, محسن انصارناراب, حسن شایانی جم, فریبا سعادتی A Novel Carbon Paste Electrode Based on Ion-Imprinted Polymer for Determination of Lead (II) کنفرانس دوسالانه الکتروشیمی ایران دانشگاه اصفهان- انجمن شیمی ایران, اصفهان, 1396/02/13 - 1396/02/14 |
ملی معتبر |
135. حسن شایانی جم, مینا نجفی, محمدرضا یافتیان, معصومه پری نژاد Mechanistic study of electrochemical oxidation of Acetaminophen in the presence of Thiol-containing drugs کنفرانس دوسالانه الکتروشیمی ایران دانشگاه اصفهان- انجمن شیمی ایران, اصفهان, 1396/02/13 - 1396/02/14 |
ملی معتبر |
134. علی موسوی بیدله, محمدرضا یافتیان, حسن شایانی جم, فریده پیری Molecularly Imprinted Polymer-Based Sensors for Amperometric Determination of Amoxicillin کنفرانس دوسالانه الکتروشیمی ایران دانشگاه اصفهان- انجمن شیمی ایران, اصفهان, 1396/02/13 - 1396/02/14 |
ملی معتبر |
133. حسن شایانی جم, رحیم بابره, محمدرضا یافتیان, بهمن فرجمند Study of the effect of pomegranate peel extracts on the electrochemical oxidation of acetaminophen کنفرانس دوسالانه الکتروشیمی ایران دانشگاه اصفهان- انجمن شیمی ایران, اصفهان, 1396/02/13 - 1396/02/14 |
ملی معتبر |
132. محمدرضا یافتیان, کبری اکبرزاده سپستانکی, سمیه پیری, حسن شایانی جم Amperometric Sensor for Tetracycline Determination Based on Molecularly Imprinted Technique کنفرانس دوسالانه الکتروشیمی ایران دانشگاه اصفهان-انجمن شیمی ایران, اصفهان, 1396/02/13 - 1396/02/14 |
ملی معتبر |
131. Roya tahaei, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Simultaneous determination of Cu2+, Pb2+, Cd2+ by differential pulse anodic striping voltammetry using glassy carbon electrode chemically modified with Schiff Base Ligand (N2O2 type) film Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry انجمن شیمی ایران, تهران, 2016-08-30 - 2016-09-01 |
بینالمللی |
130. رویا طاهائی, حسن شایانی جم, محمدرضا یافتیان Differential pulse voltammetric investigation of the complex formation between Cu+2 and a N2O2 type Schiff base lingand in mixture of acetonitrile/water کنفرانس بین المللی یافته های نوین پژوهشی در شیمی و مهندسی شیمی دانشگاه جامع علمی و کاربردی, تهران, 1395/02/16 - 1395/02/16 |
ملی معتبر |
129. Zohreh Doosti, Leila Dolatyari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Sadegh rostamniya Selective adsorption of uranium ions on tosulfamic acid functionalized SBA- 15; isotherm and kinetics investigations Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry پژوهشگاه شیمی و مهندسی شیمی ایران, تهران, 2016-01-26 - 2016-01-28 |
ملی معتبر |
128. Leila Dolatyari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Sadegh rostamniya Efficient adsorption of Eu(III) and Th(IV) ions from aqueous solutions by a Schiff base functionalized mesoporous silica SBA-15 sorbent Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry پژوهشگاه شیمی و مهندسی شیمی ایران, تهران, 2016-01-26 - 2016-01-28 |
ملی معتبر |
127. Fatemeh khanban, Armin fashi, Abbasali Zamani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Cooperation of reduced graphene oxide and Triton X-114 for amelioration of electromembrane-microextraction of Pramipexole Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry پژوهشگاه شیمی و مهندسی شیمی ایران, تهران, 2016-01-26 - 2016-01-28 |
ملی معتبر |
126. Solmaz hatefi, Reyhaneh safarbali, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Investigation of the Potential of Amic Acid Compounds as Extractant in Intra-group Separation of Rare Earths Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry پژوهشگاه شیمی و مهندسی شیمی ایران, تهران, 2016-01-26 - 2016-01-28 |
ملی معتبر |
125. Rana toomari zadeh, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Masoomeh parinezhad Voltammetric sensor for determination of N-acetylcysteine based on electrochemical oxidation of 4,4' biphenol as a mediator Biennial Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran ( BESI) انجمن الکتروشیمی ایران, تهران, 2015-11-18 - 2015-11-19 |
ملی معتبر |
124. Mahsa Akbari, Hassan Shayani-Jam, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Masoomeh parinezhad Electrochemical oxidation of acetaminophen in the presence of diclofenac Biennial Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran ( BESI) انجمن الکتروشیمی ایران, تهران, 2015-11-18 - 2015-11-19 |
ملی معتبر |
123. محمدرضا یافتیان, اکرم خانمحمدی, معصومه آذرتیمور, سمیه پیری, فریده پیری Removal characteristics of heavy metal ionsfrom aqueous solution using Al2O3/poly1-naphthylamin nano-composite سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه علوم پزشکی بقیه اله, تهران, 1394/06/11 - 1394/06/13 |
ملی معتبر |
122. سمیه پیری, معصومه آذرتیمور, فریده پیری, محمدرضا یافتیان, مختار علینیارودسری An electrochemical sensor based on graphene/ naphthylamine nanocomposite modified electrode for determination of cadmium سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه علوم پزشکی بقیه الله, تهران, 1394/06/11 - 1394/06/13 |
بینالمللی |
121. Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Hossein Soltani, Abbasali Zamani, Massomeh Ghorbanloo A Solvent Extraction Design for Separation-Recovery of Heavy Metals Using Amic Acid Extractants The International Conference On Advances In Applied Science And Environmental Engineering Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors (the IRED-New York), Thailand, 2015-08-28 - 2015-08-29 |
ملی معتبر |
120. فاطمه نظری, زهرا شیری یکتا, مهدیه کوره پزان مفتخر, محمدرضا یافتیان Adsorption characteristics of natural zeolite towards Th(IV) and Eu(III) ions کنفرانس ملی زئولیت ایران دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران, تهران, 1394/03/06 - 1394/03/07 |
ملی معتبر |
119. محمد رحمانی, فریبا سعادتی , محمدرضا یافتیان A New Nanocomposite of Polystyrene/ Polyaniline: Use as Adsorbents for Heavy Metal Ions همایش ملی تکنولوژی های نوین در شیمی و پتروشیمی مرکز پژوهش های صنعتی و معدنی هم اندیشان چرخه علم و صنعت, تهران, 1394/02/24 - 1394/02/27 |
ملی معتبر |
118. شیدا رضائی, حسین سلطانی, مهدیه کوره پزان مفتخر, محمدرضا یافتیان INVESTIGATION OF PHASE TRANSFER PROPERTIES OF AN ACIDIC CARRIER TOWARDS COPPER(II) IONS همایش ملی تکنولوژی های نوین در شیمی و پتروشیمی مرکز پژوهش های صنعتی و معدنی, تهران, 1394/02/14 - 1394/02/24 |
ملی معتبر |
117. حسین سلطانی, عباسعلی زمانی, معصومه قربانلو, محمدرضا یافتیان Preparation, characterization of new acidic ligand 2-(dibutylcarbamoyl)benzoic acid and its application as selective extractant towards lead(II) ions کنگره شیمی تجزیه دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز, اهواز, 1393/12/23 - 1393/12/25 |
ملی معتبر |
116. زهرا شیری یکتا, محمدرضا یافتیان Change of the extraction mechanism of thorium ion from aqueous solution using phosphorus ligand in ionic liquid towards dichloromethane solvent کنگره شیمی تجزیه دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز, اهواز, 1393/12/23 - 1393/12/25 |
ملی معتبر |
115. لیلا دولتیاری, مهری شاطری, محمدرضا یافتیان, صادق رستم نیا Investigation of adsorption of thorium ions onto uncalcinated and calcinated SBA-15 کنگره شیمی تجزیه دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز, اهواز, 1393/12/23 - 1393/12/25 |
ملی معتبر |
114. آرمین فشی, محمدرضا یافتیان, عباسعلی زمانی Sensitive determination of melamine in infant powder milk using electromembrane-LPME combined with HPLC کنگره شیمی تجزیه دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز, اهواز, 1393/12/23 - 1393/12/25 |
ملی معتبر |
113. Savizi mohammad reza, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Seyed Taher seyedin, Farideh Piri Piri Development of high energy density Li-sulfur cells using homogeneous incorporation of nano sulfur in graphene oxide/CuO matrix as a cathode Biennial Electrochemistry Seminar of Iran ( BESI) دانشگاه گیلان, رشت, 2014-09-09 - 2014-09-11 |
ملی معتبر |
112. Mahdieh koreh pazan moftakhar, Massomeh Ghorbanloo, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Modified nano-particles with Schiff base ligands: their binding ability toward heavy metal ions Iranian Inorganic Chemistry Conference دانشگاه بوعلی سینا, همدان, 2014-08-27 - 2014-08-29 |
ملی معتبر |
111. Bahareh Rajabi, Mahdieh koreh pazan moftakhar, Somayeh Piri, Farideh Piri Piri, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Nanocomposites polyaniline-Al2O3 synthesize via chemical and electrochemical methods; use for removal of heavy metals ions Iranian Seminar of Organic chemistry (ISOC) دانشگاه تبریز, تبریز, 2014-08-19 - 2014-08-21 |
ملی معتبر |
110. Somayeh Piri, Farideh Piri Piri, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani Fabrication and characterization of Al2O3/poly 1-naphthylamine nanocomposite Iranian Seminar of Organic chemistry (ISOC) دانشگاه تبریز, تبریز, 2014-08-19 - 2014-08-21 |
ملی معتبر |
109. Saedeh Ansari Sadi, Somayeh Piri, Seyed Taher seyedin, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Farideh Piri Piri Fabrication Li-S battery Cathode based on nano sulfur graphene oxide/Manganese-Copper oxide/polyaniline composite Iranian Seminar of Organic chemistry (ISOC) دانشگاه تبریز, تبریز, 2014-08-19 - 2014-08-21 |
بینالمللی |
108. Mahdieh koreh pazan moftakhar, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Massomeh Ghorbanloo Silica nanoparticles modified by a schiff base ligand; preparation and their potential for removal of heavy metal ions from water samples The International Conference On Advances In Applied Science And Environmental Engineering مرکز همایش های هتل جی تاور, Malaysia, 2014-08-02 - 2014-08-03 |
ملی معتبر |
107. Masoud Haji Soleymani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani HPLC in Separation-Determination of Heavy Metal Complexes -- دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد میانه, میانه, 2014-05-20 - 2014-05-21 |
بینالمللی |
106. Somayeh Piri, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani, Farideh Piri Piri preparation and characterization of nanocomposite, poly ( m-toluidine/ Al2O3) and poly aniline/Al2O3, and thair adsorption properties for som heavy metal ions from aqueous solution International Conference in Nanostructures کیش, باویل علیا/سفلی, 2014-03-06 - 2014-03-09 |
ملی معتبر |
105. فاطمه مافی, زهرا شیری یکتا, محمدرضا یافتیان, معصومه قربانلو nano-crystalline clinoptolite modified by bis(2-hydroxybenzaldehyde)-1,2-ethylenediamine; adsorbent for thorium(IV) and lanthanide(III) ions سمینار سیمی تجزیه ایران دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان, اصفهان, 1392/12/06 - 1393/12/08 |
ملی معتبر |
104. Samira Nouri, Zahra shiri yekta, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Massomeh Ghorbanloo ّAmelioration of adsorption efficiency of a type of natural zeolite by its modification with bis(2-hydroxybenzaldehyde)-1,3-propylendiamine towards Th(IV) and Eu(III) ions Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان, اصفهان, 2014-02-25 - 2014-02-27 |
ملی معتبر |
103. Roghayeh Moradi, Maryam hami dindar, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Sadegh rostamniya Application of functionalized SBA-15 mesoporous silcas for removal of drugs Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان, اصفهان, 2014-02-25 - 2014-02-27 |
ملی معتبر |
102. Milad haji hasani, Maryam hami dindar, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Sadegh rostamniya Removal of Cr(VI), As(V) and Hg(II) from aqueous solutions using functionalized mesoporous silica nanomaterials Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان, اصفهان, 2014-02-25 - 2014-02-27 |
ملی معتبر |
101. Marziyeh kamali nahad, Zahra shiri yekta, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Investigation of extractive [roperties of N2O2-type Schiff base ligands towards Cu(II) ions Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان, اصفهان, 2014-02-25 - 2014-02-27 |
ملی معتبر |
100. Zahra kaboli tanha, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Nader Noshiranzadeh Copper(II) ions solvent extraction from chloride solutions by oxime ligands Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان, اصفهان, 2014-02-25 - 2014-02-27 |
ملی معتبر |
99. Yasaman Heydari abhari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani Application of PEG(200) as a masking agent for improving solvent extraction-separation of Eu(III) and Eb(III) by bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان, اصفهان, 2014-02-25 - 2014-02-27 |
ملی معتبر |
98. Zahra Shamsi, Abbasali Zamani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abdolhossein Parizanganeh --- --- سازمان انرژی اتمی, اصفهان, 2013-12-25 - 2013-12-26 |
ملی معتبر |
97. Zahra shiri yekta, Abdolreza nilchi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Massomeh Ghorbanloo Adsorption and separation of Th(IV) and U(VI) ions on synthesized nanosilica by the reverse micelle method --- اصفهان, اصفهان, 2013-12-25 - 2013-12-26 |
ملی معتبر |
96. Zahra shiri yekta, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abdolreza nilchi Effect of the structure of neutral N4-type Schiff base ligands for removal of thorium(IV) and europium(III) ions from aqueous nitrate media --- پژوهشگاه علوم و فنون هسته ای, اصفهان, 2013-12-25 - 2013-12-26 |
ملی معتبر |
95. Mehdi Amiri Nahavandi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Ramzanpour mahmoud reza, Abbasali Zamani, Mehrtash gholinezhad Effect synthesized nanoparticles iron zero valence for removal of cadmium from contaminated soils of Mazandaran province -- دانشگاه تهران, تهران, 2013-12-02 - 2013-12-03 |
ملی معتبر |
94. سپیده صفری, محمدرضا یافتیان, عباسعلی زمانی A Pb(II) ion-selective membrane sensor based upon a Schiff-base ionophore سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه تبریز, تبریز, 1392/08/07 - 1392/08/08 |
ملی معتبر |
93. پریسا حیدری, عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان Application of benzo15-crown-5 as ionophore for fabrication of a potentimetric sensor of lead ions سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه تبریز, تبریز, 1392/08/07 - 1392/08/08 |
ملی معتبر |
92. پریسا حیدری, سعیده محمدی, عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان Copper(II) ion selective PVC membrane electrode based on bis(2-hydroxybenzaldehyde) 1,3-diaminopropane سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه تبریز, تبریز, 1392/08/07 - 1392/08/08 |
ملی معتبر |
91. مریم حامی دیندار, فاطمه حاج میری, صادق رستم نیا, محمدرضا یافتیان Removal of Pb(II), Ag(I) and Cd(II) heavy meta ions from aqueous solutions using functionalized SBA-15 mesoporous silica سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه تبریز, تبریز, 1392/08/07 - 1392/08/08 |
ملی معتبر |
90. سپیده صفری, عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان Copper(II)-selective membrane electrode based on a naphthol-derivative Schiff’s base سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه تبریز, تبریز, 1392/08/07 - 1392/08/08 |
ملی معتبر |
89. بهاره هود, الهام محمدی, عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان Triticum sativum and verbascum chiranthiofolim straws as cellulosic adsorbent for treatment water polluted with heavy metals سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه تبریز, تبریز, 1392/08/07 - 1392/08/08 |
ملی معتبر |
88. زهرا شمسی, عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه Using chemical modification of polyurethane foams for the removal of phenolic compounds from aqueous solutions سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه تبریز, تبریز, 1392/08/07 - 1392/08/08 |
ملی معتبر |
87. مسعود حاجی سلیمانی, حسین سلطانی, عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان HF-LPME pre-concentration and HPLC Determination of morphine and codeine in water samples سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه تبریز, تبریز, 1392/08/07 - 1392/08/08 |
ملی معتبر |
86. نرگس اترک, عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه Yarrow plant as cellulosic adsorbent for treatment of water polluted with heavy metals سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه تبریز, تبریز, 1392/08/07 - 1392/08/08 |
بینالمللی |
85. Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbasali Zamani, Abdolhossein Parizanganeh SOIL CONTAMINATION BY HEAVY METALS AROUND A LEAD AND ZINC PRODUCTION PLANT LOCATED IN A PART OF THE SILK ROAD INTERNATIONAL SILKROAD CONGRESS ACTR CONFERENCE Silence Istanbul Hotel & Convention Center, Turkey, 2013-10-27 - 2013-10-29 |
ملی معتبر |
84. سمیه پیری, عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان, فریده پیری Fabrication and characterization of polyaniline+ poly meta toluidine@ Al2O3 nanocomposite کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه یزد, یزد, 1392/06/16 - 1392/06/18 |
ملی معتبر |
83. سمیه پیری, محمدرضا یافتیان, عباسعلی زمانی, فریده پیری nanocomposite of poly m-toluidine-Al electrosynthesis and identification کنفرانس شیمی آلی ایران دانشگاه همدان, همدان, 1392/04/12 - 1392/04/12 |
ملی معتبر |
82. مهدیه کوره پزان مفتخر, مریم مصطفوی, معصومه قربانلو, محمدرضا یافتیان Multidentate N2O2-type Schiff base ionophores. Use as extractant of transition metal ions همایش ملی فناوری های نوین در شیمی و مهندسی شیمی پژوهشگاه علوم و فنون هسته ای, تهران, 1392/02/26 - 1392/02/26 |
ملی معتبر |
81. فاطمه مافی, زهرا شیری یکتا, محمدرضا یافتیان Clinoptilolite nano-crystal; its application for adsorbent-separation of thorium anf lanthanide ions همایش ملی فناوری های نوین در شیمی و مهندسی شیمی پژوهشگاه علوم و فنون هسته ای, تهران, 1392/02/26 - 1392/02/26 |
ملی معتبر |
80. مهدی امانلو, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه, محمدرضا یافتیان, عباسعلی زمانی Factors influencing the concentration of some heavy metalsin drinking water distribution system in Zanjan city همایش ملی مهندسی آب و فاضلاب دانشگاه تحصیلات تکمیلی کرمان, کرمان, 1391/12/08 - 1391/12/09 |
ملی معتبر |
79. Zahra mofidi, Abbasali Zamani, Akram Khan Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Fabrication of a ligandless room temperature ionic liquid based Th(IV) ion-selective potentiometric sensor Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 2013-02-26 - 2013-02-28 |
ملی معتبر |
78. Zahra mofidi, Abbasali Zamani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Application of ultrasound assisted HF-LPME for Rremoval of heavy metal ions from water samples Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 2013-02-26 - 2013-02-28 |
ملی معتبر |
77. Hamideh Ahmadi, Abbasali Zamani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Application of crown ether 18C6 as selective masking agent for improvement of transport-separation of Th(IV) and lanthanide(III) ions by DEHPA as carrier Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 2013-02-26 - 2013-02-28 |
ملی معتبر |
76. مهسا پیله وری, مریم حامی دیندار, محمدرضا یافتیان Functionalized SBA-15 nesoporous; efficient adsorbents for heavy metals سمینار سیمی تجزیه ایران دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 1391/12/08 - 1391/12/10 |
ملی معتبر |
75. مرضیه کمالی نهاد, زهرا شیری یکتا, محمدرضا یافتیان Application of a N2O2-type Schiff base ligand loaded on hollow fiber membranes for preconcentration of Cu(II) ions from environmental samples سمینار سیمی تجزیه ایران دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 1391/12/08 - 1391/12/10 |
ملی معتبر |
74. لیلا حبیبی, مهدیه کوره پزان مفتخر, محمدرضا یافتیان Ligandless water-in-oil emulsion liquid membrane transport of Th(IV) ions سمینار سیمی تجزیه ایران دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 1391/12/08 - 1391/12/10 |
ملی معتبر |
73. مسعود حاجی سلیمانی, عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه Removal of Morphine and Codeine from Water Samples Using Hollow Fibers Modified by Bis(2ethylhexyl)phosphoric Acid همایش ملی مهندسی آب و فاضلاب دانشگاه تحصیلات تکمیلی کرمان, کرمان, 1391/12/08 - 1391/12/09 |
ملی معتبر |
72. زهرا شیری یکتا, محمدرضا یافتیان, عبدالرضا نیلچی Application of high-performance liquid chromatography for separation of lanthanides, uranium and thorium using HTTA سمینار سیمی تجزیه ایران دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مشهد, 1391/12/08 - 1391/12/10 |
ملی معتبر |
71. زهرا شمسی, عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه Chemical modification of polyurethane foams to used in the removal of phenol from contaminated aqueous solutions همایش ملی مهندسی آب و فاضلاب دانشگاه تحصیلات تکمیلی کرمان, کرمان, 1391/12/08 - 1391/12/09 |
ملی معتبر |
70. عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه, جمال الدین رجبی ارهانی, سالار بهرامی, نرگس اترک - همایش ملی حفاظت و برنامه ریزی محیط زیست دانشگاه آزاد واحد همدان, همدان, 1391/12/03 - 1391/12/03 |
ملی معتبر |
69. محمدرضا یافتیان, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه, عباسعلی زمانی, فهیمه خاندوزی, لیلا مغانلو - همایش ملی حفاظت و برنامه ریزی محیط زیست دانشگاه آزاد واحد همدان, همدان, 1391/12/03 - 1391/12/03 |
ملی معتبر |
68. مریم حامی دیندار, محمدرضا یافتیان, فرزانه اسلامی, حسین سلطانی Removal of Methylorange dye from contaminated water samples using activated vetiver plant همایش و نمایشگاه تخصصی مهندسی محیط زیست دانشگاه تهران, تهران, 1391/08/29 - 1391/08/30 |
ملی معتبر |
67. الهامه محمدپورقورچی, عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان Preparation of tea compost column biofilter for removal of some heavy metal ions همایش و نمایشگاه تخصصی مهندسی محیط زیست دانشگاه تهران, تهران, 1391/08/29 - 1391/08/30 |
ملی معتبر |
66. محمد رضا یافتیان, عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه Chemical Modification of polyurethane foams and its application in removal of lead, zinc and cadmium from contaminated water samples همایش و نمایشگاه تخصصی مهندسی محیط زیست دانشگاه تهران, تهران, 1391/08/29 - 1391/08/30 |
ملی معتبر |
65. عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه, سالار بهرامی, جمال الدین رجبی ارهانی, نرگس اترک Statistical evaluation of heavy metal contents of lead and zinc residuals in Zanjan همایش و نمایشگاه تخصصی مهندسی محیط زیست دانشگاه تهران, تهران, 1391/08/29 - 1391/08/30 |
بینالمللی |
64. نجات ساداتی بهبهانی, کبری رستمی زاده, محمدرضا یافتیان, عباسعلی زمانی, حمیده احمدی Polyethylene glycol-magnetite nano composites as nano adsorbent for removal of Pb(II) from aqueous solutions کنگره بین المللی علوم نانو و نانو فناوری دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 1391/06/21 - 1391/06/23 |
ملی معتبر |
63. زهرا شیری یکتا, محمدرضا یافتیان, عبدالرضا نیلچی, معصومه قربانلو Modified silica nanoparticles by schiff base ligand:effiicient sorbent for th +4 uo+2 and eu+3 inons کنفرانس شیمی معدنی دانشگاه شریف, تهران, 1391/06/07 - 1391/06/08 |
بینالمللی |
62. Mahdieh Atashzar, Abbas Ali Zamani, Abdolhossein Parizanganeh, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Biosorption of pb2+from aqueous solutions using indigenous biomaterials (Seidlizia rosmarinus) Recycling & Reuse 2012 ترکیه, Turkey, 2012-06-04 - 2012-06-06 |
ملی معتبر |
61. عباسعلی زمانی, پویا حاجی سلطانی, حبیب فتحی دخت لاحشری, محمدرضا یافتیان, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه Removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions with tea compost as biosrobent سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه اهواز, اهواز, 1390/09/30 - 1390/10/02 |
ملی معتبر |
60. عباسعلی زمانی, پویا حاجی سلطانی, مهدی زارعی سردرود, محمدرضا یافتیان, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه Determination of heavy metal in two types of potable water: Ground and bottled waters in Zanjan city سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه اهواز, اهواز, 1390/09/30 - 1390/10/02 |
ملی معتبر |
59. مرجان حبیبیان, پویا حاجی سلطانی, عباسعلی زمانی, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه, محمدرضا یافتیان Recovery of copper from industrial waste by low-cost adsorption materials سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه اهواز, اهواز, 1390/09/30 - 1390/10/02 |
ملی معتبر |
58. حسین رستمی, عباسعلی زمانی, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه, محمدرضا یافتیان, محمد حسین رسولی فرد Seasonal variations of zinc, lead and cadmium contamination of groundwater in surrounding zinc industrial, Zanjan سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه اهواز, اهواز, 1390/09/30 - 1390/10/02 |
ملی معتبر |
57. زهرا مفیدی, عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان Removal of heavy metals from water samples using hollow fiber-based liquid phase microextraction (HF-LPME) سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز, اهواز, 1390/09/30 - 1390/10/02 |
ملی معتبر |
56. مهکامه یوسف خانی, عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان Separation of europium and thorium ions from waste waters by using polymer inclusion membrane containing DEHPA as ion carrier سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز, اهواز, 1390/09/30 - 1390/10/02 |
ملی معتبر |
55. حسین رستمی, عباسعلی زمانی, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه, محمدرضا یافتیان, محمد حسین رسولی فرد اندازه گیری غلظت برخی فلز های سنگین در آب های زیرزمینی اطراف شهرک روی زنجان همایش و نمایشگاه تخصصی مهندسی محیط زیست دانشگاه تهران, تهران, 1390/08/30 - 1390/09/01 |
ملی معتبر |
54. مرجان حبیبیان, مانا یزدانی امیری, عباسعلی زمانی, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه, محمدرضا یافتیان comparison for absorption modeling of copper and lead from aqueous solution by soy oil waste همایش و نمایشگاه تخصصی مهندسی محیط زیست دانشگاه تهران, تهران, 1390/08/30 - 1390/09/01 |
بینالمللی |
53. Azadeh Alizadeh, Abbas Ali Zamani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abdolhossein Parizanganeh Removal of Rhodamine 6G from Aqueous Solutions using Biosorbent Azolla Filiculoides International Conference on Water Reclamation & Reuse IWA Centre Convencions Internacional Barcelona (CCIB), Spain, 2011-09-26 - 2011-09-29 |
بینالمللی |
52. محمد رضا یافتیان Adsorption of Zinc Ions from Aqueous Solution by Soy Oil Sesame Waste International Conference on Water Reclamation & Reuse IWA Centre Convencions Internacional Barcelona (CCIB), Spain, 2011-09-26 - 2011-09-29 |
بینالمللی |
51. Mahdieh Atashzar, Abbas Ali Zamani, Abdolhossein Parizanganeh, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Batch Iadsorption of Lead and Nickel Lons from Aqueous Solution by Means of Olive Cake International Conference on Environmmental Science and Technology(ICEST) دانشگاهAegean , Greece, 2011-09-08 - 2011-09-10 |
ملی معتبر |
50. پریناز غروی خیاوی, سیدامیرمهدی فتحی, محمدرضا یافتیان Development of a dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction method for spectrophotometric determination of Penicilin G potassium in water samples کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه بوعلی , همدان, 1390/06/13 - 1390/06/15 |
ملی معتبر |
49. مجتبی صادقی ده چشمه, سیدامیرمهدی فتحی, عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان Hollow fiber-based liquid phase microextraction (HF-LPME) of trace amounts of thorium(IV) ions from water samples کنگره شیمی ایران دانشگاه بوعلی , همدان, 1390/06/13 - 1390/06/15 |
بینالمللی |
48. Mahdieh Atashzar, Abdolhossein Parizanganeh, Abbas Ali Zamani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Nickel Removal from Aqueous solution by Olive Cake International Conference On Information Management and Engineering Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management , China, 2011-05-21 - 2011-05-22 |
ملی معتبر |
47. Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Ali kargari Emulsion liquid membrane extraction of L-cysteine from sodium chloride aqueous solution by using of calix[4]arene as carrier Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-18 - 2011-05-20 |
ملی معتبر |
46. Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Ali kargari Batch extraction of L-cysteine from potassium chloride aqueous solutions using emulsion liquid membrane and DC18C6 as carrier Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-18 - 2011-05-20 |
ملی معتبر |
45. Abbas Ali Zamani, Sadabeh kafashi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Liquid-liquid extraction: an indirect route for evaluating the Pb2+/water soluble crown ethers interactions in mixed solvents Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-18 - 2011-05-20 |
ملی معتبر |
44. Reyhaneh Shokri, Abbas Ali Zamani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Equilibrium, kinetrics, mechanism, and process design for the sorption of Cd(II) ions onto Peganum Harmala seeds Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-18 - 2011-05-20 |
ملی معتبر |
43. Negar sehati, Zahra shiri yekta, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Nader Noshiranzadeh Separation of thorium(IV) and europium(III) ions from aqueous media by solvent extraction using an oxime as extractant Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-18 - 2011-05-20 |
ملی معتبر |
42. Saeid Razzaghi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abdolreza nilchi Solvent extraction of thorium, lanthanum, europium and erbium ions by neutral N4-type Schiff base extractants from aqueous nitrate media Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-18 - 2011-05-20 |
ملی معتبر |
41. Zinat Karam Zadeh, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Maryam Ghorbani, Hassan Hosseini monfared, Abdolreza nilchi Application of ionic liquids in the extraction of europium(III) and thorium(IV) ions using a new phosphorylated salen extractant Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-18 - 2011-05-20 |
ملی معتبر |
40. Parinaz gheravi khiavi, Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Determination of Penicilne G Benzathine in water samples by dispersive liquid-liquid micrextraction combined with UV-Vis spectrophotometry Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-18 - 2011-05-20 |
ملی معتبر |
39. Khadijeh mahmoudniamansour, Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Determination of Deltamethrin residue in water samples by dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction technique and using UV-Vis spectrophotometry Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-18 - 2011-05-20 |
ملی معتبر |
38. Behnam Akhtari, Abbas Ali Zamani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Davood Moradkhani, Nader Noshiranzadeh A study on the liquid-liquid extraction of transition metal ions by mixtures of oximes and neutral donors Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان, زاهدان, 2011-05-18 - 2011-05-20 |
بینالمللی |
37. مهدیه آتش زر, عباسعلی زمانی, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه, محمدرضا یافتیان olive cake:a natural adsorbent for lead uptake from aqueous solutions کنفرانس بین المللی آب و فاضلاب مرکز همایش های بین المللی برج میلاد تهران, تهران, 1390/02/06 - 1390/02/08 |
بینالمللی |
36. ریحانه شکری, عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان Removal of lead and zinc ions in aqueous solution by adsorption onto Peganum Harmala seeds کنفرانس بین المللی تصفیه آب و پساب برج میلاد, تهران, 1390/02/06 - 1390/02/08 |
ملی معتبر |
35. عبدالحسین پری زنگنه, محمدرضا یافتیان, مرجان حبیبیان, عباسعلی زمانی, پریناز غروی خیاوی - کنفرانس ملی مهندسی نساجی و پوشاک دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد یزد, یزد, 1390/02/01 - 1390/02/02 |
ملی معتبر |
34. عبدالحسین پری زنگنه, محمدرضا یافتیان, آزاده علیزاده, عباسعلی زمانی, مانا یزدانی امیری - کنفرانس ملی مهندسی نساجی و پوشاک دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد یزد, یزد, 1390/02/01 - 1390/02/02 |
ملی معتبر |
33. زهرا مفیدی, عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان A lead-selective membrane electrode based upon dibenzo-18-crown-6 ionophore کنفرانس دوسالانه الکتروشیمی ایران دانشگاه یزد, یزد, 1389/11/02 - 1389/11/04 |
ملی معتبر |
32. عباسعلی زمانی, زهرا حسینی, محمدرضا یافتیان, نادر نوشیران زاده Application of 2-hydroxy-naphthalene-1-carbaldehyde oxime as ionophore for preparation of Th(IV) ion-selective PVC membrane potentiometric sensor کنفرانس دوسالانه الکتروشیمی ایران دانشگاه یزد, یزد, 1389/11/02 - 1389/11/04 |
ملی معتبر |
31. حبیب فتحی دخت لاحشری, پویا حاجی سلطانی, عباسعلی زمانی, محمدرضا یافتیان, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه Tea compost as a natural adsorbent for lead uptake from aqueous solutions همایش و نمایشگاه تخصصی مهندسی محیط زیست دانشکاه تهران, تهران, 1389/08/08 - 1389/08/12 |
ملی معتبر |
30. Abbas Ali Zamani, Leila jalaei, Zahra mofidi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Application of nitrobenzo-18-crown-6 as ionophore for preparation of a Pb(II) ion-selective membrane potentiometric sensor Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14 |
ملی معتبر |
29. Maedeh Nasiri, Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Highly selective transport of L-cysteine through bulk liquid membrane using DC18C6 as carrier Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14 |
ملی معتبر |
28. Zahra shiri yekta, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abdolreza nilchi Application of room-temperature ionic liquid as green solvent in the extraction of europium(III) and thorium(III) ions using-tri-n-octylphosphine oxide as extractant Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14 |
ملی معتبر |
27. Mahdieh koreh pazan moftakhar, Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Determination of trace amounts of copper in water samples by dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction pre-concentration coupled with flame atomic absorption spectrometry Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14 |
ملی معتبر |
26. Hamideh Ahmadi, Abbas Ali Zamani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Transport-separation through a bulk liquid membrane containing bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid and selective stripping of La3+, Eu3+ and Th4+ Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14 |
ملی معتبر |
25. Abbas Ali Zamani, Leila jalaei, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Masoomeh parinezhad, Dominik mat Wide rim phosphorylated calix(4)arene; use as sensory molecule in preparation of an Er(III) ion-selective membrane electrode Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14 |
ملی معتبر |
24. Soghra rafiei baldaji, Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction combined with flame atomic absorption spectrometry for determination of trace amounts of copper in water samples Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه کاشان, کاشان, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-14 |
ملی معتبر |
23. Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Kobra rostami zadeh, Abbas Ali Zamani, Nejat sadati behbahani PEG-modified nanoparticles for removal of lead cations from aqeous solutions - دانشگاه علوم پزشکی زنجان, زنجان, 2010-08-03 - 2010-08-05 |
ملی معتبر |
22. عباسعلی زمانی , اصغر ترابی, معصومه پری نژاد , محمدرضا یافتیان, عبدالحسین پری زنگنه - سمینار ملی شیمی و محیط زیست موسسه تحقیقات اکولوژی دریای عمان و خلیج فارس , بندرعباس, 1389/02/27 - 1389/02/29 |
بینالمللی |
21. Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Samaneh nahaei, Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi Solid Phase Extraction-Enrichment of Cu(II) Ions as Schiff Base Complexes Adsorbed on Polyurethane Foam Euroanalysis اتریش - اینسبروک, Austria, 2009-09-06 - 2009-09-10 |
بینالمللی |
20. Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Abbas Ali Zamani, Neda khorshid Preparation and Comparison of Lead-Selective PVC Membrane Sensors Based on Crown Ethers 18C6 and DC18C6 Euroanalysis اتریش - اینسبروک, Austria, 2009-09-06 - 2009-09-10 |
بینالمللی |
19. Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Parvin rafighi, Nader Noshiranzadeh, Abbas Ali Zamani Synergistic Solvent Extraction and Separation of Cobalt(II) Ions with Mixtures of Oxime Extractants and Neutral Donors Euroanalysis اتریش - اینسبروک, Austria, 2009-09-06 - 2009-09-10 |
ملی معتبر |
18. Samira Jafari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Masoomeh parinezhad Uphill transport of cadmium ions as anionic iodo-complexes through bulk liquid membrane containing hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه بوعلی سینا-همدان, همدان, 2009-07-28 - 2009-07-30 |
ملی معتبر |
17. Maryam hami dindar, Nader Noshiranzadeh, Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Synthesis and application of oximes as modifiers of octadecyl silica membrane disks for solid phase extraction of copper(II) ions Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه بوعلی سینا-همدان, همدان, 2009-07-28 - 2009-07-30 |
ملی معتبر |
16. Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Synthesis and application of oximes as modifiers of octadecyl silica membrane disks for solid phase extraction of copper(II) ions Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه بوعلی سینا-همدان, همدان, 2009-07-28 - 2009-07-30 |
ملی معتبر |
15. Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Shiva Rostamkhani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Determination of trace amounts of copper in water samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after pre-concentration on octadecyl-bonded silica membranes modified by a di-Schiff base ligand Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه بوعلی سینا-همدان, همدان, 2009-07-28 - 2009-07-30 |
ملی معتبر |
14. Mahdieh koreh pazan moftakhar, Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Determination of trace amounts of copper in water samples by cloud point extraction pre-concentration coupled with flame atomic absorption spectrometry Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه بوعلی سینا-همدان, همدان, 2009-07-28 - 2009-07-30 |
ملی معتبر |
13. Masoomeh parinezhad, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Extractant-carrier properties of multidentate nitrogen/oxygen molecules towards Cu(II) ions through bulk liquid membranes Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه بوعلی سینا-همدان, همدان, 2009-07-28 - 2009-07-30 |
ملی معتبر |
12. Zahra shiri yekta, Abbas Ali Zamani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Water soluble N,N'-bis(2-pyridylmethylidene)-1,2diiminoethane; selective masking agent for improving extraction-separation efficiency of Zn(II), Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions with bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه بوعلی سینا-همدان, همدان, 2009-07-28 - 2009-07-30 |
ملی معتبر |
11. Sadat zarabadi atefeh, Abbas Ali Zamani, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Improved extraction-separation of Zn(II) and Pb(II) ions by DEHPA using water soluble crown ethers as selective masking agents Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه بوعلی سینا-همدان, همدان, 2009-07-28 - 2009-07-30 |
ملی معتبر |
10. Samaneh nahaei, Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Determination of trace amount of copper in water samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after pre-concentration on octadecyl-bonded silica membranes modified by a Schiff base ionophor Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه بوعلی سینا-همدان, همدان, 2009-07-28 - 2009-07-30 |
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9. Saeid rayati, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Niloofar Torabi, Reyhaneh safarali, Hamid Reza Khavasi Synthesis and Ion Binding Properties of a New Schiff base Ligand Named Bis(2- hydroxypropiohenone) -1,2- Propanediimine Iranian Inorganic Chemistry Conference دانشگاه سمنان, سمنان, 2007-03-07 - 2007-03-08 |
ملی معتبر |
8. محمد رضا یافتیان Highly Selective and Sensitive Th+4-PVC- Based Membrane Sensor Based on 2-(Diphenyl Phosphcrothioy)-N,N-Diphenylacetamide Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه شیراز, شیراز, 2007-02-27 - 2007-03-01 |
ملی معتبر |
7. Majid parsa, Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Mohammad Reza Yaftian A New Silver (I) Potentiometric Sensor based on a Lower-Rim Calix[4]arene Substituted by Mixed Amide/Phosphoryl Groups Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه شیراز, شیراز, 2007-02-27 - 2007-03-01 |
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6. Parisa Hasanzadeh, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Z Bahari Preparation of a Th(IV) Potentiometric Sensor Based on a Phosphorylated Calix [4]arene Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه شیراز, شیراز, 2007-02-27 - 2007-03-01 |
ملی معتبر |
5. Masoomeh parinezhad, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Recovery of Cr(VI) Oxanions Using Oxonium Ion-Crown Ether Complexe as Carrier Agents Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه شیراز, شیراز, 2007-02-27 - 2007-03-01 |
ملی معتبر |
4. Zahra pilehvari, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Saeid rayati Bis (1-Hydroxy2- Acethonaphthone)-2,2-Diiminodiethylamine; Synthesis Rhodamine, B as Extractant-Carrier Selective Electrode Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه شیراز, شیراز, 2007-02-27 - 2007-03-01 |
ملی معتبر |
3. H Nassira, Masoomeh parinezhad, Mohammad Reza Yaftian Ion-pair Transport of Anionic Cadmium Complexes from Iodide Solutions Using Rhodamine B as Extractant-Carrier Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه شیراز, شیراز, 2007-02-27 - 2007-03-01 |
ملی معتبر |
2. Zahra shiri yekta, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Saeid rayati N4-Type di-Schiff Base Receptors; phase Transfer Agents for Transition Metal Ions Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه شیراز, شیراز, 2007-02-27 - 2007-03-01 |
ملی معتبر |
1. Seyed Amirmahdi Fathi, Masoomeh parinezhad, Mohammad Reza Yaftian, Saeid rayati Bis(2-Hydroxyacetophenone)-1,2-Propanediimine and Bis (5-Bromo-2-Hydroxybenzaldehyde)-1,2-Propanediimine; Synthesis. Extractive and Mobile Carrier Properties Towards Transition Metal Ions Iranian seminar of Analytical Chemistry دانشگاه شیراز, شیراز, 2007-02-27 - 2007-03-01 |