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M. Ebrahim Foulaadvand

Educational Background

PhD : Sharif University , IRAN, Statistical physics , 2000-1996
Thesis Title : Nonequilibrium random processes in low dimensions
Subject-class : Mathematical physics
Supervisor : Dr. Vahid Karimipour

PhD : Sharif University of technology , Iran, Theoretical physics , 2000-1996
Subject-class : Statistical mechanics

M.Sc : Sharif University , IRAN, Statistical physics , 1996-1993
Thesis Title : Lattice guage theory
Subject-class : Mathematical physics
Supervisor : Dr. Vahid Karimipour

B.Sc : Sharif University , IRAN, Statistical physics , 1993-1988
Thesis Title : Squeezed states of light
Subject-class : Optics
Supervisor : Dr. Mohammad Reza Hedaayati



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