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Mohammad Mahmoudi

Educational Background

PhD : Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), IR.IRAN, Atomic and Molcular Physics , 2000-1996
Thesis Title : The Coherent Population Trapping in Open quantum systems
Subject-class : Quantum and semiclassical Optics
Supervisor : Prof. Habib Tajalli

M.Sc : Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), IR.IRAN, Atomic and Molcular Physics , 1995-1993
Thesis Title : The Generalized Self-filtering unstable resonators in an Flash-lamp pumped dye lasers
Subject-class : Optics and Laser
Supervisor : Prof. Akbar Hariri

B.Sc : University of Tabriz, IR.IRAN, Applied Physics- Atomic and molecular Physics , 1994-1989
Thesis Title : Design of Nitrogen laser
Subject-class : Optics and Laser
Supervisor : Prof. Habibi Tajalli



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