بازدید:36157 بروزرسانی: 02-10-1397
Amir Hossein Darooneh
University of Zanjan
University Boulevard
Zanjan, Iran
Postal Code: 45371-38791
email: darooneh@znu.ac.ir
url1: http://www.znu.ac.ir/members/darooneh_amir/en
url2: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Amir_Darooneh/contributions
Born: March 19, 1965 Tehran, Iran
Nationality: Iranian
Current position
Full Professor, Department of Physics, University of Zanjan,
Areas of specialization
Physics & Complex Systems •
Complex Networks, Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks, Computational Statistical Me-chanics, Statistical Mechanics of Language, Time Series Analysis, Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo Simulation, Econophysics, Evolutionary Dynamics.
Appointments held
2001-2007 Assistant Professor, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran
2007-2012 Associate Professor,University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran
2012-now Full Professor,University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran
1984-1989 BSc • Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Thesis Title • Trace Anomaly in 2D Field Theory on the Curved Space-Time Subject-class • Quantum Fields in Curved Space-Time, String Theory. Supervisor • Prof. Hesam’oddin Arfaei
1989-1993 MSc • Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran. Thesis Title • Quantum Effects of Cosmic Domain Walls
Subject-class • Quantum Fields in Curved Space-Time, Cosmology and General Relativity.
Supervisor • Prof. Reza Mansouri
1996-2000 PhD • Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zanjan, Iran. Thesis Title • Application of LOCV method in U(1) Lattice gauge Theory Subject-class • Lattice Gauge Theory, Many Body, Computational Physics. Supervisor • Prof. Majid Modarres
Operating System: Linux and Windows Professionally
Programming Language: C, C++, Python.
High Performance Computing: OpenMP, OpenMPI, Trust(CUDA), Parallel STL(C++).
Software: Mathematica, Office, Latex, ….
Publications |
Journal Articles |
2000a |
A. H. Darooneh and M. Modarres, LOCV approach to U(1) Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory, J. Phys. |
G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 26 (2000) 1139–1148. |
2000b |
A. H. Darooneh and M. Modarres, New look at the Lanczos method in the lattice gauge model, Eur. |
Phys. J. C 17 (2000) 169–172. |
2004 |
A. H. Darooneh, Non-life insurance pricing: multi-agent model, Eur. Phys. J. B 42 (2004) 119–122. |
2005a |
M. E. Fouladvand and A. H. Darooneh, Premium Forecasting of an Insurance Company: Automobile |
Insurance, Int. J. of Mod. Phys. C, Vol. 16, No. 3 (2005) 377-387. |
2005b |
A. H. Darooneh, Non-Life Insurance Pricing: Statistical Mechanics Viewpoint, Int. J. of Mod. Phys. |
C, Vol. 16, No. 1 (2005) 167-175. |
2005c |
A. H. Darooneh, Physical Premium Principle: A New Way for Insurance Pricing, Entropy, 7[1] (2005) |
97–107. |
doi:10.3390/e7010097 |
2005d |
M.E. Fouladvand and A.H. Darooneh, Statistical analysis of floating-car data: an empirical study, |
Eur. Phys. J. B 47 (2005) 319–328. |
2006 |
A. H. Darooneh, Utility Function from Maximum Entropy Principle, Entropy, 8[1] (2006) 18-24. |
doi:10.3390/e8010018 |
2007 |
A. H. Darooneh, Insurance pricing in small size markets, Physica A 380 (2007) 411–417. |
2008 |
A. H. Darooneh and Cyruse Dadashinia, Analysis of the spatial and temporal distributions between |
successive earthquakes: Nonextensive statistical mechanics viewpoint, Physica A 387 (2008) 3647– |
3654. |
2009a |
A. H. Darooneh and B. Rahmani, Finite size correction for fixed word length Zipf analysis, Eur. Phys. |
J. B 70 (2009) 287–291. |
2009b |
H. Shiravi, M. Mahmoudi, and A. H. Darooneh, Analysis of Optical Cavities in the Presence of Negative |
Refractive Index Materials, Opt. Mem. and Neur. Net. (Inf. Opt.), Vol. 18, No. 2 (2009) 72–76. |
2010a |
A. H. Darooneh, A. Mehri, A nonextensive modification of the GutenbergRichter law: q-stretched |
exponential form, Physica A 389 (2010) 509-514. |
2010b |
A. H. Darooneh, G. Naeimi, A. Mehri and P. Sadeghi, Tsallis Entropy, Escort Probability and the Incomplete |
Information Theory, Entropy, 12 (2010) 2497-2503. |
2011a |
A. Mehri and A. H. Darooneh, Keyword extraction by nonextensivity measure, Phys. Rev. E 83 (2011) |
056106. |
2011b |
A. Mehri, A. H. Darooneh, The role of entropy in word ranking, Physica A 390 (2011) 3157–3163. |
2011c |
A. A. H. Zanjani and A. H. Darooneh, Finding communities in linear time by developing the seeds, |
Phys. Rev. E 84 (2011) 036109. |
2012a |
A. Mehri, A. H. Darooneh, A. Shariati, The complex networks approach for authorship attribution |
of books, Physica A 391 (2012) 2429–2437. |
2012b |
N. Lotfi and A.H. Darooneh, The earthquakes network: the role of cell size, Eur. Phys. J. B 85 (2012) |
23. |
2012c |
A. H. Ghaderi and A.H. Darooneh , Artificial Neural Network with Regular Graph for Maximum |
Temperature Forecasting: The Effect of Decrease in Nodes Degree on Learning, Int. J. of Mod. Phys. |
C, Vol. 23, No. 2 (2012) 1250008 (10). |
2012d |
P. Sadeghi, S. Khademi, and A. H. Darooneh, Tsallis entropy in phase-space quantum mechanics, |
Phys. Rev. A, 86 (2012) 012119. |
2013a |
S. Karimi and A.H. Darooneh, Measuring persistence in a stationary time series using the complex |
network theory, Physica A 392 (2013) 287–293. |
2013b |
N. Lotfi and A.H. Darooneh, Nonextensivity measure for earthquake networks, Physica A 392 (2013) |
3061–3065. |
2014a |
H. Kashisaz, S. S. Hosseini and A. H. Darooneh, The effect of zealots on the rate of consensus achieve- |
ment in complex networks, Physica A 402 (2014) 49–57. |
2014b |
A. H. Darooneh, A. Shariati, Metrics for evaluation of the author’s writing styles: who is the best?, |
Chaos, 24(3) (2014) 033132. |
2014c |
N. Lotfi and A.H. Darooneh, Active and Passive Faults Detection by Using the Page Rank Algorithm, |
Europhysics Letter, 107 (2014) 49001. |
2015 |
E. Najafi and A.H. Darooneh, The Fractal Patterns of Words in a Text: A way for Automatic Keyword |
Extraction, PLoS ONE, 10(6) (2015) e0130617. |
2016a |
F. K. Fumani, S. Nemati,S. Mahdavifar and A. H. Darooneh, Magnetic entanglement in spin-1/2 XY |
chains, Physica A 445 (2016) 256-263. |
2016b |
H. Kashisaz and A. H. Darooneh, The influence of society’s mesoscopic structure on the rate of epi- |
demic spreading, Chaos 26 (2016) 063114. |
2017a |
S. Rezaei, A. H. Darooneh, N. Lotfi and N. Asaadi, The earthquakes network: Retrieving the empirical |
seismological laws, Physica A 471 (2017) 80–87. |
2017b |
H. Moghaddasi, K. Khalifeh and A. H. Darooneh, Distinguishing Functional DNA Words; A Method |
for Measuring Clustering Levels, Scientific Reports 7 (2017) 41543. |
2017c |
S. Mollaei and A. H. Darooneh, Spreading, fingering instability and shrinking of a hydrosoluble sur- |
factant on water, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 86 (2017) 98–101. |
2017d |
A. Mahdipour-Shirayeh, A. H. Darooneh, A. D. Long, N. L. Komarova and M. Kohandel, Genotype |
by random environmental interactions gives an advantage to non-favored minor alleles, Scientific Re- |
ports 7 (2017) 5193. |
2017e |
E. Najafi and A.H. Darooneh, Long range dependence in texts: A method for quantifying coherence |
of text Knowledge-Based Systems 133 (2017) 33-42. |
2017f |
A. H. Ghaderi, M. Nazari, H. Shahrokhi and A. H. Darooneh, Functional brain connectivity differ- |
ences between ADHD presentations: Impaired functional segregation in ADHD-combined presentation |
but not in ADHD-inattentive presentation, Basic and Clinical Neuroscience 8(4) (2017) 267-278. |
2017g |
S. Farhang-Sardroodie, A. H. Darooneh, M. Nikbakht, N. L. Komarova and M. Kohandel, The effect |
of randomness on the average fixation time of mutants, PLoS Comput. Biol. 13(11) (2017) e1005864. |
2018a |
S. Rezaei, H. Moghaddasi and A. H. Darooneh, Preferential Attachment in Evolutionary Earthquake |
Networks, Physica A 495 (2018) 172–179. |
2018b |
N. Lotfi, F. A. Rodrigues and A. H. Darooneh, The role of community structure on the nature of ex- |
plosive synchronization, Chaos 28 (2018) 033102. |
2018c |
E.Najafi and A. H. Darooneh, A New Universality Class in Corpus of Texts; A Statistical Physics Study, |
Physics Letters A 382 (2018) 1140–1148. |
2018d |
A. H. Darooneh, Doing research under extreme conditions, Computing in Science & Engineering |
20(3) (2018) 31-35. |
2018e |
N. Lotfi, A. H. Darooneh and F. A. Rodrigues , Centrality in earthquake multiplex networks, Chaos |
28 (2018) 063113. |
2018f |
A. H. Ghaderi, M. Nazari and A. H. Darooneh, Time estimation, beta waves and internal clock: a |
study via mindfulness, Advances in Cognitive Science (2018) 19(4) 1-9. pdf:article PDF (in Persian |
with English abstract) doi:10.1063/1.5001469 |
Research Projects |
2004 |
Non-Life Insurance Pricing. |
2007a |
A New Method for Ranking Journals Indexed in ISI. |
2007b |
Structure and Dynamics of the Population of the Province of Zanjan. |
2008 |
The Words Network of a Text. |
2009 |
The Semantic Networks in Persian. |
2010 |
Community Detection Methods. |
2011 |
Hybrid Method for Finding Keywords of Texts. |
Under Graduate Courses •
Mathematical Physics, Classical Mechanics, Statistical Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Computer Programming, Simulation Techniques in Physics, Electromagnetism.
Graduate Courses •
Advanced Quantum Mechanics, Advanced Statistical Mechanics, Special Topics (in Complex Sys-tems), , Computational Physics.
PhD Courses •
Stochastic Phenomena in Physics, Complex Systems, Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Critical Phe-nomena, Short Course in Theoretical Physics.
Supervised Ph.D. Theses |
2012 |
A. Mehri, The role of entropy in text-mining. |
2012 |
P. Sadeghi, Entropy in quantum phase space. (with Dr. S. Khademi) |
2015 |
E. Najafi, Fractal structure in language. |
2017 |
S. Nemati, The quantum correlations in low dimensional spin chain. (with Dr. S. Mahdavifar) |
2017 |
S. Rezaei, The Iran’s earthquake network. (with Dr. N. Asaadi) |
2017 |
H. Moghaddasi, The linguistic features of DNA. (with Dr. K. Khalifeh) |
2017 |
H. Kashisaz, The influence of network’s mesoscopic structure on epidemic processes. |
2018 |
S. Farhang-Sardroodi, The evolutionary dynamics on complex networks. (with Dr. M. Kohandel) |
Service to the profession
2001-2003 Head of Department of Physics, University of Zanjan.
2004-2007 Director of the Academic Affairs Job, University of Zanjan.
2011-2013 Vice Dean for Research, Faculty of Sciences, University of Zanjan.
2015-now Member of Promotion Committee, University of Zanjan.
Amir Hossein Darooneh
University of Zanjan
University Boulevard
Zanjan, Iran
Postal Code: 45371-38791
email: darooneh@znu.ac.ir
url1: http://www.znu.ac.ir/members/darooneh_amir/en
url2: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Amir_Darooneh/contributions
Born: March 19, 1965 Tehran, Iran
Nationality: Iranian
Current position
Full Professor, Department of Physics, University of Zanjan,
Areas of specialization
Physics & Complex Systems •
Complex Networks, Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks, Computational Statistical Me-chanics, Statistical Mechanics of Language, Time Series Analysis, Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo Simulation, Econophysics, Evolutionary Dynamics.
Appointments held
2001-2007 Assistant Professor, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran
2007-2012 Associate Professor,University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran
2012-now Full Professor,University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran
1984-1989 BSc • Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Thesis Title • Trace Anomaly in 2D Field Theory on the Curved Space-Time Subject-class • Quantum Fields in Curved Space-Time, String Theory. Supervisor • Prof. Hesam’oddin Arfaei
1989-1993 MSc • Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran. Thesis Title • Quantum Effects of Cosmic Domain Walls
Subject-class • Quantum Fields in Curved Space-Time, Cosmology and General Relativity.
Supervisor • Prof. Reza Mansouri
1996-2000 PhD • Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zanjan, Iran. Thesis Title • Application of LOCV method in U(1) Lattice gauge Theory Subject-class • Lattice Gauge Theory, Many Body, Computational Physics. Supervisor • Prof. Majid Modarres
Operating System: Linux and Windows Professionally
Programming Language: C, C++, Python.
High Performance Computing: OpenMP, OpenMPI, Trust(CUDA), Parallel STL(C++).
Software: Mathematica, Office, Latex, ….
Publications |
Journal Articles |
2000a |
A. H. Darooneh and M. Modarres, LOCV approach to U(1) Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory, J. Phys. |
G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 26 (2000) 1139–1148. |
2000b |
A. H. Darooneh and M. Modarres, New look at the Lanczos method in the lattice gauge model, Eur. |
Phys. J. C 17 (2000) 169–172. |
2004 |
A. H. Darooneh, Non-life insurance pricing: multi-agent model, Eur. Phys. J. B 42 (2004) 119–122. |
2005a |
M. E. Fouladvand and A. H. Darooneh, Premium Forecasting of an Insurance Company: Automobile |
Insurance, Int. J. of Mod. Phys. C, Vol. 16, No. 3 (2005) 377-387. |
2005b |
A. H. Darooneh, Non-Life Insurance Pricing: Statistical Mechanics Viewpoint, Int. J. of Mod. Phys. |
C, Vol. 16, No. 1 (2005) 167-175. |
2005c |
A. H. Darooneh, Physical Premium Principle: A New Way for Insurance Pricing, Entropy, 7[1] (2005) |
97–107. |
doi:10.3390/e7010097 |
2005d |
M.E. Fouladvand and A.H. Darooneh, Statistical analysis of floating-car data: an empirical study, |
Eur. Phys. J. B 47 (2005) 319–328. |
2006 |
A. H. Darooneh, Utility Function from Maximum Entropy Principle, Entropy, 8[1] (2006) 18-24. |
doi:10.3390/e8010018 |
2007 |
A. H. Darooneh, Insurance pricing in small size markets, Physica A 380 (2007) 411–417. |
2008 |
A. H. Darooneh and Cyruse Dadashinia, Analysis of the spatial and temporal distributions between |
successive earthquakes: Nonextensive statistical mechanics viewpoint, Physica A 387 (2008) 3647– |
3654. |
2009a |
A. H. Darooneh and B. Rahmani, Finite size correction for fixed word length Zipf analysis, Eur. Phys. |
J. B 70 (2009) 287–291. |
2009b |
H. Shiravi, M. Mahmoudi, and A. H. Darooneh, Analysis of Optical Cavities in the Presence of Negative |
Refractive Index Materials, Opt. Mem. and Neur. Net. (Inf. Opt.), Vol. 18, No. 2 (2009) 72–76. |
2010a |
A. H. Darooneh, A. Mehri, A nonextensive modification of the GutenbergRichter law: q-stretched |
exponential form, Physica A 389 (2010) 509-514. |
2010b |
A. H. Darooneh, G. Naeimi, A. Mehri and P. Sadeghi, Tsallis Entropy, Escort Probability and the Incomplete |
Information Theory, Entropy, 12 (2010) 2497-2503. |
2011a |
A. Mehri and A. H. Darooneh, Keyword extraction by nonextensivity measure, Phys. Rev. E 83 (2011) |
056106. |
2011b |
A. Mehri, A. H. Darooneh, The role of entropy in word ranking, Physica A 390 (2011) 3157–3163. |
2011c |
A. A. H. Zanjani and A. H. Darooneh, Finding communities in linear time by developing the seeds, |
Phys. Rev. E 84 (2011) 036109. |
2012a |
A. Mehri, A. H. Darooneh, A. Shariati, The complex networks approach for authorship attribution |
of books, Physica A 391 (2012) 2429–2437. |
2012b |
N. Lotfi and A.H. Darooneh, The earthquakes network: the role of cell size, Eur. Phys. J. B 85 (2012) |
23. |
2012c |
A. H. Ghaderi and A.H. Darooneh , Artificial Neural Network with Regular Graph for Maximum |
Temperature Forecasting: The Effect of Decrease in Nodes Degree on Learning, Int. J. of Mod. Phys. |
C, Vol. 23, No. 2 (2012) 1250008 (10). |
2012d |
P. Sadeghi, S. Khademi, and A. H. Darooneh, Tsallis entropy in phase-space quantum mechanics, |
Phys. Rev. A, 86 (2012) 012119. |
2013a |
S. Karimi and A.H. Darooneh, Measuring persistence in a stationary time series using the complex |
network theory, Physica A 392 (2013) 287–293. |
2013b |
N. Lotfi and A.H. Darooneh, Nonextensivity measure for earthquake networks, Physica A 392 (2013) |
3061–3065. |
2014a |
H. Kashisaz, S. S. Hosseini and A. H. Darooneh, The effect of zealots on the rate of consensus achieve- |
ment in complex networks, Physica A 402 (2014) 49–57. |
2014b |
A. H. Darooneh, A. Shariati, Metrics for evaluation of the author’s writing styles: who is the best?, |
Chaos, 24(3) (2014) 033132. |
2014c |
N. Lotfi and A.H. Darooneh, Active and Passive Faults Detection by Using the Page Rank Algorithm, |
Europhysics Letter, 107 (2014) 49001. |
2015 |
E. Najafi and A.H. Darooneh, The Fractal Patterns of Words in a Text: A way for Automatic Keyword |
Extraction, PLoS ONE, 10(6) (2015) e0130617. |
2016a |
F. K. Fumani, S. Nemati,S. Mahdavifar and A. H. Darooneh, Magnetic entanglement in spin-1/2 XY |
chains, Physica A 445 (2016) 256-263. |
2016b |
H. Kashisaz and A. H. Darooneh, The influence of society’s mesoscopic structure on the rate of epi- |
demic spreading, Chaos 26 (2016) 063114. |
2017a |
S. Rezaei, A. H. Darooneh, N. Lotfi and N. Asaadi, The earthquakes network: Retrieving the empirical |
seismological laws, Physica A 471 (2017) 80–87. |
2017b |
H. Moghaddasi, K. Khalifeh and A. H. Darooneh, Distinguishing Functional DNA Words; A Method |
for Measuring Clustering Levels, Scientific Reports 7 (2017) 41543. |
2017c |
S. Mollaei and A. H. Darooneh, Spreading, fingering instability and shrinking of a hydrosoluble sur- |
factant on water, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 86 (2017) 98–101. |
2017d |
A. Mahdipour-Shirayeh, A. H. Darooneh, A. D. Long, N. L. Komarova and M. Kohandel, Genotype |
by random environmental interactions gives an advantage to non-favored minor alleles, Scientific Re- |
ports 7 (2017) 5193. |
2017e |
E. Najafi and A.H. Darooneh, Long range dependence in texts: A method for quantifying coherence |
of text Knowledge-Based Systems 133 (2017) 33-42. |
2017f |
A. H. Ghaderi, M. Nazari, H. Shahrokhi and A. H. Darooneh, Functional brain connectivity differ- |
ences between ADHD presentations: Impaired functional segregation in ADHD-combined presentation |
but not in ADHD-inattentive presentation, Basic and Clinical Neuroscience 8(4) (2017) 267-278. |
2017g |
S. Farhang-Sardroodie, A. H. Darooneh, M. Nikbakht, N. L. Komarova and M. Kohandel, The effect |
of randomness on the average fixation time of mutants, PLoS Comput. Biol. 13(11) (2017) e1005864. |
2018a |
S. Rezaei, H. Moghaddasi and A. H. Darooneh, Preferential Attachment in Evolutionary Earthquake |
Networks, Physica A 495 (2018) 172–179. |
2018b |
N. Lotfi, F. A. Rodrigues and A. H. Darooneh, The role of community structure on the nature of ex- |
plosive synchronization, Chaos 28 (2018) 033102. |
2018c |
E.Najafi and A. H. Darooneh, A New Universality Class in Corpus of Texts; A Statistical Physics Study, |
Physics Letters A 382 (2018) 1140–1148. |
2018d |
A. H. Darooneh, Doing research under extreme conditions, Computing in Science & Engineering |
20(3) (2018) 31-35. |
2018e |
N. Lotfi, A. H. Darooneh and F. A. Rodrigues , Centrality in earthquake multiplex networks, Chaos |
28 (2018) 063113. |
2018f |
A. H. Ghaderi, M. Nazari and A. H. Darooneh, Time estimation, beta waves and internal clock: a |
study via mindfulness, Advances in Cognitive Science (2018) 19(4) 1-9. pdf:article PDF (in Persian |
with English abstract) doi:10.1063/1.5001469 |
Research Projects |
2004 |
Non-Life Insurance Pricing. |
2007a |
A New Method for Ranking Journals Indexed in ISI. |
2007b |
Structure and Dynamics of the Population of the Province of Zanjan. |
2008 |
The Words Network of a Text. |
2009 |
The Semantic Networks in Persian. |
2010 |
Community Detection Methods. |
2011 |
Hybrid Method for Finding Keywords of Texts. |
Under Graduate Courses •
Mathematical Physics, Classical Mechanics, Statistical Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Computer Programming, Simulation Techniques in Physics, Electromagnetism.
Graduate Courses •
Advanced Quantum Mechanics, Advanced Statistical Mechanics, Special Topics (in Complex Sys-tems), , Computational Physics.
PhD Courses •
Stochastic Phenomena in Physics, Complex Systems, Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Critical Phe-nomena, Short Course in Theoretical Physics.
Supervised Ph.D. Theses |
2012 |
A. Mehri, The role of entropy in text-mining. |
2012 |
P. Sadeghi, Entropy in quantum phase space. (with Dr. S. Khademi) |
2015 |
E. Najafi, Fractal structure in language. |
2017 |
S. Nemati, The quantum correlations in low dimensional spin chain. (with Dr. S. Mahdavifar) |
2017 |
S. Rezaei, The Iran’s earthquake network. (with Dr. N. Asaadi) |
2017 |
H. Moghaddasi, The linguistic features of DNA. (with Dr. K. Khalifeh) |
2017 |
H. Kashisaz, The influence of network’s mesoscopic structure on epidemic processes. |
2018 |
S. Farhang-Sardroodi, The evolutionary dynamics on complex networks. (with Dr. M. Kohandel) |
Service to the profession
2001-2003 Head of Department of Physics, University of Zanjan.
2004-2007 Director of the Academic Affairs Job, University of Zanjan.
2011-2013 Vice Dean for Research, Faculty of Sciences, University of Zanjan.
2015-now Member of Promotion Committee, University of Zanjan.