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Hossein Kouhestani

Research Projectes

Project Title Responsibility Start Date End Date Kind of Project Commander Availibility
Geochronology and stable isotope studies of porphyry-epithermal mineralization systems in the Urmia-Dokhtar magmatic arc, Iran. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 2020-continue   Colleague 2020In Progress
Geochronology and stable isotope studies of epithermal deposits in northwest Iran. Colorado School of Mines (USA) and James Cook University (Australia)   Leader 2018In Progress
Temporal–spatial relationships between epithermal mineralization and Eocene magmatism at the Tarom-Hashtjin region, Tethyan metallogenic belt, northwest Iran. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China   Leader 2018  2020
Geochronology, whole-rock geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes of granitoid intrusions in northwestern Iran. Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan   Leader 2017In Progress
Investigation of Deviation Dam Construction on Groundwater Aquifer Using MODFLOW Model (case study: Haraz plain)   Leader In Progress
Gold exploration strategies regarding to different exploration stages (Reconnaissance, Prospecting, General and detailed Exploration)   Colleague   2007Ministry of Industry, Mine and TradeMinistry of Industry, Mine and Trade
Geochemistry, genesis and controlling factors on gold concentration in metamorphosed volcano-sedimentary rocks in Muteh mining deposits, south of Delidjan   Colleague   2007Tarbiat Modares UniversityTarbiat Modares University



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