view:52799 Last Update: 2024-9-24
Course: PhD
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
8 | Kamyar Ghanbarpur | In progress | Automatic Control Engineering | Fault tolerant controller design for wind turbines using model predictive control approach | SuperVisor |
7 | Mohammad Ali Mohammadkhani | June 2016 | Automatic Control Engineering | Explicit Model Predictive Control with Disturbance [Abstract] |
Advisor |
6 | Saeed Reza Tofighi | In progress | Automatic Control Engineering | Control of MIMO non-minimum phase systems using extended feed-forward control | SuperVisor |
5 | Kaveh Hooshmandi | In progress | Electrical Engineering | Stability analysis and robust controller synthesis for sample-data linear parameter variable systems [Abstract] |
Advisor |
4 | Rahman Hajmohammadi | In progress | Electrical Engineering | - | SuperVisor |
3 | Donya Ashtiani | In progress | - | FOMPC | SuperVisor |
2 | Maryam Jafari | In progress | - | -- | SuperVisor |
1 | Hossein Yassemi | In progress | - | -- | Advisor |
Course: M.Sc
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
8 | Hamidreza Bahmani | June 2016 | Automatic Control Engineering | Output Power regulation of wind turbine above nominal wind speed region using model predictive control approach | SuperVisor |
7 | Maziar Karimi | In progress | Automatic Control Engineering | Optimal controller design for Zeta converter with photovoltaic applications | SuperVisor |
6 | Mojtaba Javaheri | September 2016 | Automatic Control Engineering | Satellite Attitude Control using Model Predictive Control | SuperVisor |
5 | Mohammad Mehdi Farakian | In progress | Automatic Control Engineering | Analysis and design of optimal controller for airborne wind turbine (Kite) based on MPC approach | SuperVisor |
4 | Saeed Bashiri | March 2017 | - | Static Output Feedback Control for Time-Delayed Discrete-Time Piecewise Linear Systems using Hinf Control Approach Based on LMI and Finsler’s Lemma | Advisor |
3 | Taghi Hatami Abar | March 2017 | - | Design of composite nonlinear feedback control for discrete switching systems | Advisor |
2 | Ali Nasiri | In progress | - | The stabilization of gas turbine output power using a predictive control approach in the presence of uncertainty and disturbance | SuperVisor |
1 | Mehdi Ghaedi | In progress | - | Improved performance of independent electric vehicles in the presence of uncertainty and disturbance | SuperVisor |
Course: B.Sc
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
6 | Leila Mehri | June 2011 | Electrical Eng. | طراحي و ساخت كنترلر موتورهاي پله اي بصورت بيسيم | SuperVisor |
5 | May 2013 | Electrical Engineering | اتوماسيون مرغداري صنعتي با قابليت تنظيم پارامترهاي محيطي بصورت آنلاين با PLC --9207 | SuperVisor | |
4 | April 2011 | Electrical Engineering | تحليل و پيش بيني روند قيمت طلا توسط روش فروفازي تطبيق پذير | SuperVisor | |
3 | July 2014 | Electrical Engineering | طراحي و ساخت دستگاه نمونه برداري از فرايندهاي سريع و نكرار ناپذير | SuperVisor | |
2 | June 2014 | Electrical Engineering | طراحي و ساخت سيستم كنترل جهت رفلكتور براي دستيابي به حداكثر راندمان همراه با پيش بيني موقعيت خورشيد در شرايط ابري شدن هوا | SuperVisor | |
1 | In progress | Electrical Engineering | شبيه سازي و پياده سازي كنترل سرعت موتور القايي به روش DTC با استفاده از تخمين گر شار و كنترلر PID | SuperVisor |