view:43814 Last Update: 2022-5-17
Course: M.Sc
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
16 | Golami M. | October 2008 | power | PST effect on reliabilty HLII | SuperVisor |
15 | Shaabani A. | February 2008 | power | GEP in deregulated system with reliability consideration | SuperVisor |
14 | Ghiasi M. | February 2008 | power | a new model for power quality management in deregulated environment | SuperVisor |
13 | Derafshian M. | July 2010 | power | Iranian transmission network voltage stability problem and SVC placement | SuperVisor |
12 | Kord H. | July 2010 | power | substation expansion planning with load uncertainty consideration | SuperVisor |
11 | Rouhani A. | November 2010 | power | composite generation and transmission expansion planning with DG consideration | SuperVisor |
10 | Bagheri A. | May 2010 | power | composite substation and subtransmission expansion planning with DG consideration | SuperVisor |
9 | Galvani S. | December 2007 | power | security based OPF | SuperVisor |
8 | Haddadian H. | December 2007 | power | transmission dynamic expansion planning | SuperVisor |
7 | Salimamini A. | September 2013 | power | Dg expansion planning in Iranian power market environment | SuperVisor |
6 | Kordlou Y. | November 2009 | power | furnace transformer electromaghnetic forces calculation | SuperVisor |
5 | Khalkhali E. | May 2010 | power | parallel windings current distribution calculation in high current transformers | SuperVisor |
4 | Shamsi M. | March 2010 | power | PD fault diagnosis in dry type transformer with PD patterns | SuperVisor |
3 | Omidzadeh M. | February 2013 | power | a proper alghorithem for power transformer fault detection and maintenance management | SuperVisor |
2 | Mokhtarifard M. | September 2014 | power | comparision and introduction a proper fault diagnoisis method in power transformer with using FRA | SuperVisor |
1 | Shakeri A. | January 2014 | power | technical development of design and construction of gas fluid flow in wind tunnel | SuperVisor |