view:25775 Last Update: 2017-1-18
Course: M.Sc
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
20 | Mina Ramshab | March 2014 | Applied Mathematics | New Jacobi elliptic function-like solutions for the general KdV equation with variable coefficients | SuperVisor |
19 | Sseed Mirzaie | December 2013 | Applied Mathematics | Polynomial chaos for boundary value problems of dynamical systems | SuperVisor |
18 | Sadegh Tadrisi | November 2013 | Applied Mathematics | New soliton solutions for a Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) like equation coupled to a Schrodinger equation | SuperVisor |
17 | Roghayeh Moghimi | July 2008 | Applied Mathematics | Modified decomposition method for nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm integral equations | SuperVisor |
16 | Atieh Pichka | October 2007 | Applied Mathematics | Reverse convolution inequalities and applications to inverse heat source problems | SuperVisor |
15 | E. Ziyaie | September 2007 | Applied Mathematics | Optimal Shape Design for a Nozzle by Measure Theory | SuperVisor |
14 | Nasrin Eghbali | September 2007 | Pure Mathematics (differential equations) | Solving Dynamical systems with Cubic Trigonometric Splines | SuperVisor |
13 | M. Yarinejad | September 2006 | Applied Mathematics | Nonlinear programming of Optimal shape design by Finite difference method | SuperVisor |
12 | Davood Rasouli | September 2006 | Applied Mathematics | Quasi-Stationary Perturbations of the KdV Soliton | SuperVisor |
11 | Masoomeh Mollalary Fard | March 2006 | Applied Mathematics | Linear delay differential equation with a positive and negative term | SuperVisor |
10 | Hossein Orooji | October 2005 | Applied Mathematics | A Pade approximation method for solving differential-algebraic equation | SuperVisor |
9 | F. Ghanimat | July 2005 | Pure Mathematics (Analysis) | Asymptotic Properties of Nonexpansive Iterations in Reflexive Spaces | SuperVisor |
8 | N. Gharakhanlou | December 2004 | Pure Mathematics (differential equations) | Explicit exact solitary-wave solutions for compound KdV-type and Kdv-Burgers-type equations with nonlinear terms of any order | SuperVisor |
7 | Mehdi Farhoodi | December 2003 | Pure Mathematics (differential equations) | Connection Formulas for Second Order Diffrential Equations with Complex Parameter and Having Arbitrary Turning Points | SuperVisor |
6 | M. Aghabali | July 2003 | Pure Mathematics (differential equations) | New Results about Supersymmetric Solitons | SuperVisor |
5 | Arshad Bayani | July 2003 | Pure Mathematics (differential equations) | Positive and monotone solutions of an m-point boundary-value problem | SuperVisor |
4 | Mohammad Jahanian | March 2003 | Animal Science | Investigation of lactation curves by milk yield test day records of Holstien cows in a single herd | Advisor |
3 | Majid Nikvash | October 2002 | Pure Mathematics (differential equations) | On the Existence of Positive Solution of Quasilinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problems | SuperVisor |
2 | Kamal Ansari | July 1997 | physics | Investigation of solitons in plasma | Advisor |
1 | Manoochehr Fazli | _JANUARY 2016 | َApplied Mathematics | Bright and dark soliton solutions for the perturbed nonlinear Schrodinger's equation with Kerr law and non-Kerr law nonlinearity | SuperVisor |