view:40497 Last Update: 2024-3-2
Course: PhD
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
3 | In progress | Residual stress and mechanical properties evaluation by Indentation analysis | SuperVisor | ||
2 | In progress | Research subject: | SuperVisor | ||
1 | In progress | Research subject: | SuperVisor |
Course: M.Sc
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
16 | Payam Azadian | June 2012 | Mechanical Engineering | Study onresidual stresses redistribution due to shot peening on welded joints | |
15 | Mohsen Sadri | December 2011 | Mechanical Engineering | Study on non uniform residual stress measurement by Ring-Core Technique | |
14 | Mina Nabiyar | February 2012 | Mechanical Engineering | Study on effects of Residual stresses on buckling strength of welded cylinder | |
13 | Behzad Hemmati | February 2012 | Mechanical Engineering | Study on Fatigue Life of a Resistance Spot Weld of Coated Steel | |
12 | Masoud Ahmadi | February 2013 | Mechanical Engineering | Study on residual stresses distribution in dissimilar FSW joint | |
11 | Babak Akbarzadeh | February 2013 | Mechanical Engineering | Study on creep effects on residual stresses distribution due to welding and heat treatment | |
10 | Abdullah Moradkhani | September 2013 | Mechanical Engineering | Study on laser welding process parameters on residual stresses and welding distortion | SuperVisor |
9 | Soheila Jafari | February 2014 | Mechanical Engineering | Study on process parameters on Mechanical behavior of RSW joint | SuperVisor |
8 | December 2014 | Mechanical Engineering | Study on possibility of hardness measuring in depth by monitoring of drilling torque | SuperVisor | |
7 | In progress | Optimization of TIG welding parameters in dissimilar joints using genetic algorithm and comparing with Taguchi method | SuperVisor | ||
6 | In progress | Experimental and numerical study on the effects of CRT transformers core configuration on noise level and behavior | SuperVisor | ||
5 | In progress | Experimental and numerical study on effects of EDM parameters on mechanical behavior of machined surface | SuperVisor | ||
4 | In progress | Numerical Study on Health of Underwater Welded Pipe due to Explosion | SuperVisor | ||
3 | In progress | Experimental Stress Analysis Around of Geometric Defect in a plate by digital shearography | SuperVisor | ||
2 | In progress | Study on determination of biaxial Residual Stresses by Magnetic Method | SuperVisor | ||
1 | In progress | IHD | SuperVisor |
Course: B.Sc
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
12 | a | October 2012 | a | a | |
11 | a | 2012 | Mechanical Engineering | a | |
10 | a | October 2012 | Mechanical Engineering | a | |
9 | a | 2012 | Mechanical Engineering | a | |
8 | a | 2012 | Mechanical Engineering | a | |
7 | a | October 2012 | Mechanical Engineering | a | |
6 | a | 2012 | Mechanical Engineering | a | |
5 | a | 2012 | Mechanical Engineering | a | |
4 | a | 2011 | Mechanical Engineering | a | |
3 | September 2012 | Thesis | Possibility of Reveres engineering and redesign of servo valves | SuperVisor | |
2 | Reza Esmaeili | September 2012 | Thesis | a | SuperVisor |
1 | Reza Sourki | September 2012 | Thesis | a | SuperVisor |