view:46439 Last Update: 2024-3-2
Course: M.Sc
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
16 | Alireza Mohammadiniaei | In progress | Thesis | Investigation of erosion and corrosion rate in gas turbine first stage | SuperVisor |
15 | Omid Pedram | In progress | Thesis | Effect of pitting corrosion on life of gas turbine compressor blade | SuperVisor |
14 | Maryam Mohammadi | September 2013 | Thesis | Deformation of Gas Turbine Shell due to Thermal Stress | SuperVisor |
13 | EhsanAllah Zahmatkesh | February 2010 | Thesis | Estimation of stress concentration factors in tubular T and Y junctions formed | SuperVisor |
12 | Farzaneh EsmaeiliFard | March 2010 | Thesis | Analysis of pipe bends under combined pressure and bending loads using numerical and experimental methods | SuperVisor |
11 | Morteza Amini | July 2010 | Thesis | Assess the probability of failure of boiler tubes | SuperVisor |
10 | Mohsen NashtaHosseini | August 2012 | Thesis | Study of influence and relation of unblancing on turbines erosion | Advisor |
9 | Masoud Azadfar | October 2012 | Thesis | Analysis of fatigue crack growth in gas turbine shell | SuperVisor |
8 | Hossein Bakhtiyari | October 2012 | Thesis | Failure of first stage gas turbine compressor blade of GEF5 | SuperVisor |
7 | Mostafa KamalzadehYazdi | October 2012 | Thesis | Numerical analysis of turbine rotor deflection meet with local heating | SuperVisor |
6 | Soheila Sari | March 2011 | Thesis | Analysis of stiffness reduction in localized portions of a Journal rotor powerplant with heat treatment | SuperVisor |
5 | Tohid Mahmoudi | March 2011 | Thesis | Simulation analysis of thermal - mechanical disc brake pads made of FG | SuperVisor |
4 | Mina Nabi Yar | March 2011 | Thesis | The effect of welding on the buckling strength of cylinders under external pressure | Advisor |
3 | Amin Kavandi | October 2012 | Thesis | Analysis of creep crack growth of gas turbine casing | SuperVisor |
2 | Khashayar Vaezi | October 2012 | Thesis | Crack growth analysis methods for gas turbine casing | SuperVisor |
1 | Mahsa Sanaieei | March 2013 | Thesis | Failure Analysis and Life Estimation Using Fractography | SuperVisor |
Course: B.Sc
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
38 | Roozbeh Vadi, 82481136 | August 2008 | Thesis | CFD Simulation of Reasons of Fracture of T240-370 Generator Rotor Fan Blade | SuperVisor |
37 | Mehdi Nadaf, 82481135 | September 2007 | Project | Mthods of Improvement of Operation of Gas Turbines Combustion Chambers | SuperVisor |
36 | Yahya Aghaiari, 82481101 | September 2007 | Thesis | Analysis of Different Openings in Pressure Vessels | SuperVisor |
35 | Hosein Taghipour Saberi, 82481107 | September 2007 | Project | Modified Design of a Compressor for a 25MW Gas Turbine | SuperVisor |
34 | Vahid Ahmadpour Narimani | September 2008 | Thesis | Investigation of Design of High Temperature Pressure Vessels by ASME Codes | SuperVisor |
33 | Saber Jafarian, 83481109 | September 2008 | Project | Investigation of Surge and Stall in Axial Compressors and Methods of Their Prevention | SuperVisor |
32 | Hamed Reihanipour, 83481119 | September 2009 | Thesis | Analysis of Forces Acting on a Stage of an Axial Compressor | SuperVisor |
31 | Mojtaba Nasiri, 82481145 | September 2009 | Thesis | Investigation of Remaining Life of Boilers Tubes by Statistical Methods | SuperVisor |
30 | Saeid Asgari, 84481118 | September 2009 | Thesis | Numerical Analysis of Forces Acting on a Gas Turbine Blade | SuperVisor |
29 | Mohammadreza Fathollahi | September 2009 | Thesis | Creep Analysis in Steam Turbines Bolts | SuperVisor |
28 | Hamed Boragh, 83481106 | September 2009 | Project | Investigation of Methods of Coating of Gas Turbine Blades | SuperVisor |
27 | Morteza Ghorbani, 84482122 | September 2009 | Project | Modification of Energy Consumption in Furnace and Preheat Cemen t Industry | SuperVisor |
26 | Hamidreza Joshaghani | September 2009 | Project | Investigation of Methods of Construction and Repairment of Blades of Gas Turbines | SuperVisor |
25 | Milad Mirzaei, 84481132 | September 2009 | Project | Stress Analysis in Piping | SuperVisor |
24 | Masoud Arablu, 84481117 | May 2010 | Project | CFD simulation of heat transfer and fluid flow in reheater tubes of a boiler | SuperVisor |
23 | Hamidreza Tavakoli, 84481106 | September 2010 | Thesis | Investigation of Effects of FGR on Reduction of NOx Emissions of Thermal Powerplant Boilers | SuperVisor |
22 | Seied Mohammadreza Mirsadeghi, 84481232 | September 2010 | Thesis | Thermal Stress Analysis in SHAHID RAJAEE Boilers Final Superheater Header Using ANSYS Software | SuperVisor |
21 | Seied Akbar Ghazi Mirsaeid | September 2010 | Thesis | CFD Simulation of SHAHID RAJAEE Powerplant Boiler Pass 2 Using FLUENT Software | SuperVisor |
20 | Ehsan Davoodi, 85482108 | September 2010 | Project | Probability Assessment of Construction of GE-F6 Stop Shaft | SuperVisor |
19 | Mohammad Khodabandeh | September 2010 | Thesis | Analysis of Stress Concentration Around Openings of a Cylinderical Shells | SuperVisor |
18 | Parvin Amini, 85481208 | September 2010 | Project | CFD simulation of Flow Over GE-F6 First Row Compressor Blades | SuperVisor |
17 | Mohammad Razi, 85482111 | September 2010 | Thesis | Investigation of Effective Parameters in Design of Bearings of Gas Turbines | SuperVisor |
16 | Mohammad Amin Yahya Meimandi, 85482126 | September 2011 | Thesis | CFD Simulation of Combustion in GE-F6 Gas Turbines | SuperVisor |
15 | Milad Hojati | September 2011 | Thesis | Reducing NOx Emissions of Qazvin's SHAHID RAJAEE PowerPlant Boilers by Air Staging Method | SuperVisor |
14 | Navid Moosavi, 86482129 | September 2011 | Project | Design of Standset Over-Speed Machine | SuperVisor |
13 | Javad Mohammadi, 84482133 | September 2011 | Project | Design and Construction of Airbag to Protect Pedstrain and Motorcycle Riders Accident | SuperVisor |
12 | Hamed Bagheri, 85482110 | September 2011 | Project | Investigation of CHP Application Probability in Iran | SuperVisor |
11 | Seied Meisam Mirnoorollahi, 82481142 | September 2011 | Project | Investigation of Different Prevalent Types of Failures of Gas Turbines | SuperVisor |
10 | Sara Taremi | September 2011 | Project | Introducing of Analysis of Hyper-Elastic Materials by ANSYS | SuperVisor |
9 | Milad Charmchi, 86481109 and Hossein Ghaemi, 86482226 | September 2011 | Thesis | Investigation of Non-uniform Temperature Distribution on GE-F6 Gas Turbine Compressors | SuperVisor |
8 | Seied Mohammad Ehsan Ghadamgahi, 86481129 | September 2011 | Project | Airfoil Design Using Transformations | SuperVisor |
7 | Hooman Hemmati, 85481241 | September 2012 | Thesis | Heat Transfer in the First Row Buckets of GE-F9 Turbines | SuperVisor |
6 | Parsa Deylami, 87481112 | September 2012 | Thesis | Simulation of Combustion and NOx Emissions in a Rotary Cement Kiln | SuperVisor |
5 | Morteza Taheri, 86482217 and Ali Farhangi, 86482224 | September 2012 | Thesis | Temperature Maldistribution and Its Effects on Stress Distribution in the Casing of a Gas Turbine | SuperVisor |
4 | Ramin Sajedi, 86482212 and Seied Saeid Mousavi, 86482238 | September 2012 | Thesis | Analysis of Heat Transfer and Thermal Stresses on the First Stage of a Compressor | SuperVisor |
3 | Seied Reza Banitaba | September 2012 | Thesis | Modification of Burners Location to Achieve the Minimum NOx, CO and V2O5 Emissions in Mixed Gas and Heavy Oil Fired Boilers | SuperVisor |
2 | Mohammadreza Baiat, 88482108 | September 2013 | Project | Design and Construction of Wear Test Machine | SuperVisor |
1 | Arian Afrabandpei, 88482102 | September 2013 | Thesis | Investigation of New Mechanisms Used in Internal Combustion Engines | SuperVisor |